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Translation Brutus translation

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Translation Brutus in Czech

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Examples Brutus in Czech examples

How do I translate Brutus into Czech?

Simple sentences

You too, Brutus?
I ty, Brute?

Movie subtitles

It is true, Brutus.
Je to pravda, Brutusi.
Let Brutus speak.
Nech Brutuse mluvit.
The people love you, Brutus.
Lidé milují, Brutusi.
Our Queen, Brutus.
Naši královnu, Brutusi.
Brutus, beside the column.
Brutusi, vedle sloupu.
You, too, Brutus!
Ty, také, Brute!
I was killed in the Capitol. Brutus killed me.
Brutus zabil v Kapitolu.
You, too, Uncle Brutus?
Ty také, strýčku Brute?
How would you feel if you found out Brutus was your major-domo?
Jak by ti bylo, kdybys zjistila, že Brutus je tvůj majordomus?
Brutus and Colin.
Tohle jsou chlapci. Angus, Brutus a Colin.
Brutus, killing Caesar.
Brutus zabije Caesara?
You're not Brutus Mr. Maudet.
Vy nejste Brutus, pane Maudet!
You're being tactful. Some of my critics, Brutus, for one.. tell me my Latin is not only ungrammatical, but common.
Někteří z mých kritiků, Brutus například, říkají, že mám nejen špatnou, ale i vulgární latinu.
People say it's because Brutus is your son.
Prý proto, že je Brutus tvůj syn.

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