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peep English

Meaning peep meaning

What does peep mean?
Definitions in simple English


A peep is a quick and secret look.


When you peep at something, you look quickly at it through a narrow opening eyes.


look furtively He peeped at the woman through the window cause to appear he peeped his head through the window (= chirp) make high-pitched sounds the birds were chirping in the bushes speak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice appear as though from hiding the new moon peeped through the tree tops (= cheep) the short weak cry of a young bird (= peek) a secret look

Synonyms peep synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as peep?

Topics peep topics

What do people use peep to talk about?

Conjugation peep conjugation

How do you conjugate peep?

peep · verb

Examples peep examples

How do I use peep in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I don't want to hear another peep out of you!

Movie subtitles

Not a peep.
Now lay there still and don't let me hear a peep out of you.
I don't know about living there, but I would like to get a peep inside.
One peep out of you, and I'll break your nose.
One more peep out of you and I'll butter your necktie.
She came home early. Not a peep out of her.
One more peep out of you, one!
We tried to get him to, but he won't peep.
You'll stay in the barracks, and not a peep out of you!
I'll just take a peep in there.
I'll take a peep.
Not very long. - Do you mind having a peep. at the room where all your animals are?
At the peep of dawn and as usual we'd been drinking and wenching in the town.
But let me peep at your face to see whether your eyes are bright or dull.
I see. Mr. Peep Peep.
One more peep and I'll throw you in the hole.
Pretty lady pretty pants, peep peep!
Me come again, peep peep!
How do you do my dear Mrs. Peep.
And how is your charming daughter, Ms. Bo Peep?
Good morning, mother Peep.
Good morning mother Peep.
What's the matter, mother Peep?
Well don't you mind, Mother Peep I'll get the full amount from the toy maker.
How is it you didn't peep when you saw the flower on the floor?
That greaseball is part of a mob that makes us look like Little Bo Peep.
Damned critters. yeah. peep peep!
Come on, this isn't a peep show.
Come peep through the holes.
One more peep outta you, Wisenheimer, and I'll butter your necktie!
Take a peep!
I'm too popped to peep.
She left alone, without a sound, not a peep to be heard?
You can peep at the street through that hole.

News and current affairs

Crown Prince Abdullah offered not a peep of opposition, leaving the reform agenda that he initiated in a political netherworld.

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