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ephemeral English

Meaning ephemeral meaning

What does ephemeral mean?
Definitions in simple English


Something that is ephemeral is only temporary, it does not last long. "Here today and gone tomorrow" is a phrase which describes an ephemeral situation. Her friendships seemed to be rather ephemeral. Mayfly are ephemeral because their adults never last more than a day.


(= passing, transient, transitory, fugacious) lasting a very short time the ephemeral joys of childhood a passing fancy youth's transient beauty love is transitory but it is eternal fugacious blossoms (= ephemeron) anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form

Synonyms ephemeral synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as ephemeral?

Examples ephemeral examples

How do I use ephemeral in a sentence?

Simple sentences

There are two worlds: one immediately perceptible to the senses, world of appearances, ephemeral shadow of a more concealed one, accessible only through the reason; this is the true and eternal world.
Mayflies are ephemeral. As adults they live but a day. Sometimes it's a rainy day.

Movie subtitles

When will we go on a less ephemeral date?
In that correspondence between us. we were trying to create something permanent. but you came instead. and brought the ephemeral.
Give him a shot of ephemeral.
The drug is called ephemeral.
As you were. Without ephemeral without guidance.
Happenings, very ephemeral experiences.
Sorry. Um, tempered by the ephemeral use of color.
You won't make as much money as the cowboys at private hospitals but there are other rewards, ephemeral as they may be.
All trapped inside ephemeral, translucent flesh.
Somewhat diffident, and ephemeral.
Heaven is ephemeral. It will only last a season.
In one way I have this, this really clear feeling about everything. In another way everything seems so ephemeral.
I know what ephemeral means Maxwell. It's my life.
Thus, glory was ephemeral.
But the sunshine is eons old. Everything seems ephemeral and trifling when one sees it.
It's ephemeral, yet graceful.
Um, tempered by the ephemeral use of color.
The ephemeral.
Baltar's heart was ephemeral.
Governments are ephemeral.
The social science of economics is told by an ephemeral language.
Popsicle represents the ephemeral penis.
The artist is poking fun at the culture industry's obsession with tangible objects, giving us something poetic, ephemeral, devoid of materiality.
Anything so ephemeral.
Here, fossil lakes, secret waterholes, desert fog and ephemeral rivers like this provide just enough water for life to get by, no matter how tough it gets.
We must seek the ephemeral or why live?
Now, the transiency of life. that-that fleeting, ephemeral vapour. it appeareth and it vanisheth-- James, the New Testament.
Childish, ephemeral things. You seem surprised.
Paltry, ephemeral, hesitant sheep.
Money is ephemeral, unlike noble blood.
Butterflies too are ephemeral.
That's why I Iike them. They're ephemeral.
If later on he would unravel with such acrimony the foundation of illusion of any future belief, is because he himself couldn't forgive his ephemeral slide into a belief and in the illusionary time of history.
My muse, alas, is somewhat ephemeral.
Easley? Far away from here, ephemeral lives are disappearing one after another, and I think that's so lovely.
Emotional ties are ephemeral and undependable.
Listen,you said you wanted to do this alone because feelings are ephemeral.

News and current affairs

Indeed, another critical fundamental factor that has been sustaining high gold prices might prove far more ephemeral than globalization.
Popularity is ephemeral and should never guide national policy.
The benefits of quantitative easing are also likely to prove ephemeral.
At first glance, Brazil's weak growth appears ephemeral, and President Dilma Rousseff should be well positioned to win a second term.
In Mexico, democratization has brought greater stability, but this could well prove ephemeral.
Any transition to peace may well prove ephemeral unless policymakers make political reconciliation and integration - not optimal economic policies - the bedrock priority.
The euphoria of fans whose team wins a major sporting event is ephemeral.
Whatever the outcome, it seems that in the case of the 2002 World Cup the effects of success in a major sporting event will not be ephemeral.
Both groups' demand is inherently ephemeral.
After all, Putin needs their support - as short-lived or ephemeral as it may be - to retain his grip on power.
For a day, or sometimes only for a few hours, traders succumb to the illusion of stability, fueling a euphoric but ephemeral financial-market rally.
The reason is simple: the pre-crisis period of consuming capital gains that turned out to be at least partly ephemeral inevitably led to a post-crisis period of inhibited spending, diminished demand, and higher unemployment.

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