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whiz English

Translation whiz in Czech

How do you say whiz in Czech?

Examples whiz in Czech examples

How do I translate whiz into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Gee whiz, are we going to have dinner on our own every night?
, to budeme večeřet sami každý večer?
Gee whiz, I wish you were coming now.
, bych chtěl, abys jela hned.
Gee whiz!
Boy, you're a whiz.
Ty jsi ale hlavička.
Gee whiz, I forgot to thank you.
Zapomnel jsem vám podekovat.
Gee whiz, what happened that time?
No teda. Co bylo zas tohle?
Gee whiz.
Ještě horší.
Gee whiz, honey, it's torn to ribbons.
Proboha, je roztrhaný na cucky.
Gee whiz, I could use that as a raft in case the boat sunk.
Pane jo, ten bych mohl použít jako záchranný člun, když by loď šla ke dnu.
Gee whiz, I don't think I can stand this.
Krindapána. Nevím, jestli to ustojím.
So? - So it's my word against one of your whiz cops.
No, takže je to moje slovo proti slovu jednoho z vašich chytrejch policajtů.
Yeah, gee whiz!
Jo, panečku!
Gee whiz, look at this.
Páni, to je ale nádhera!
Gee whiz, I wouldn't like that.
Proboha, to bych nerad.

News and current affairs

Goldman whiz-kid Fabrice Tourre is charged with having created a complicated security that was designed to fail.
Fabrice Tourre, řečený Fab, zázračné dítě od Goldmanů, čelí obvinění, že vytvořil komplikovaný cenný papír tak, aby selhal.

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