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samec Czech

Meaning samec meaning

What does samec mean in Czech?


male jedinec produkující spermie slang., elektr. konektor typu zástrčka hovor. velký mráz

Translation samec translation

How do I translate samec from Czech into English?

samec Czech » English

male tom bull buck boar jack stud

Synonyms samec synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as samec?

samec Czech » Czech

sameček muž mlíčňák

Examples samec examples

How do I use samec in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Samec a dvě samice.
A bull and two cowd.
Říká, že je pěkný samec.
He dayd he'd a fine bull.
Povím vám tolik, že to je samec suchozemského kraba, což ale jako biolog víte lépe než .
All I can tell you now is that this is a male land crab, which you as a biologist will know better than I.
Vzala návnadu, jako by byla samec.
He took the bait like a male.
Pohybuje se jako samec.
He moves like a male.
Je to samec nebo samička?
Is it male or female?
Je to samec nebo samice?
Is it a male or a female?
Zatraceně, je to samec.
Darn. A male.
A male?
ti ukážu jestli to je samec.
I'll show you if it's a male.
je to jakkoli, pokud nedokážete zabránit tomu, aby zdědil tyto dodatečné akcie, zjistíte, že o něm mluvit budete, a to docela často, protože v vaší zasilatelské společnosti bude jako velký býčí samec.
Be that as it may, unless you can keep him from inheriting this additional stock, you'll find yourself mentioning his name, and quite often, 'cause he'll be the big he-bull in your shipping company.
Klídek, můžeš kasírovat prachy jako samec, se to roznese.
Relax, you can charge a stud fee by the time that story gets around.
Nebo by zahnal do kouta kanceláře nějaký starý samec podnikatel, aby si vzal to, co mu podle něj náleží.
Or been cornered in an office by some angry old bull of a businessman who was out to take what he figured was coming to him.
Samec , že bude pozřen, a přesto tomuto osudu neujde.
The male knows he will be eaten but he doesn't try to escape his fate.

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