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rye English

Translation rye in Czech

How do you say rye in Czech?

rye English » Czech

žito žitný žitný chléb rež chléb

Examples rye in Czech examples

How do I translate rye into Czech?

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You better not drink any more of that rye whiskey.
byste neměl tu žitnou whisky pít.
It isn't the rye. lt's the same disease that's afflicting Boze.
To není žitem. Je to stejná choroba, jaká sužuje Boze.
My dear Twitchell, may I presume on your hospitality to the extent of three fingers of rye?
Můj drahý Twitchelli, mohl bych využít tvé pohostinnosti a nalil by jsi mi na tři prsty režnou?
I asked for rye, not coal oil.
Chtěl jsem režnou a ne naftu.
Scotch and rye?
Skotskou a žitnou?
Whitey, give me a ham on rye, will you?
Šunku s chlebem, co?
It Was Hut-Sut Time On The Rilla-Rye.
Žhavé chvíle v žitě. A ještě jeden.
Two bottles of rye.
Dvě žitné.
If that's your attitude, I'll have to drown my sorrows with a jigger of rye.
Je-li toto tvá odpověď, utopím smutek v žitné.
One straight rye.
Jednu žitnou.
Quarter rye, quick.
Žitnou, rychle.
I'm going to walk out with that quarter rye, one way or another.
Tu láhev si odtud odnesu po dobrým nebo po zlým.
It just happens I got a bottle of pretty good rye in my pocket.
Náhodou mám s sebou láhev slušný kořalky.
Rye and water.
Žitnou a vodu.