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Examples rapid adjustment examples

How do I use rapid adjustment in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Potom v hotelu Sheraton-Johnson v Rapid City v Jižní Dakotě.
And then at the Sheraton-Johnson Hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Hotel Sheraton-Johnson, Rapid City, Jižní Dakota.
Hotel Sheraton-Johnson, Rapid City, South Dakota.
Do Rapid City.
Rapid City.
Do Rapid City v Jižní Dakotě.
Rapid City, South Dakota.
Do Rapid City?
Rapid City?
Jak to jde v Rapid City?
How's everything out in Rapid City?
Říkal, kdyby komunisti shodili atomovou bombu, přál si, aby spadla doprostřed Rapid City.
He said that if communists drop the atomic bomb he wished they'd put it in the middle of Rapid City.
Rapid Eye Movement. Sní.
When dreams occur.
Ten chlápek, co ho v řece Rapid chňapnul krokodýl.
The bloke that was grabbed by a croc on the Rapid River.
Byla jsem v Rapid City.
I was in Rapid City.
Jeden Rapid a.
A Rapid and.
Ukradli ho na zastávce v Rapid City.
Got ripped off at a bus stop in Rapid City.
Gratulace, pane a paní Hydeovi. od nejlepšího moderátora zpráv města Cedar Rapid.
Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Steven Hyde. from Cedar Rapids's number one anchorman.
Rapid test?
Rapid test?

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