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rap Czech

Meaning rap meaning

What does rap mean in Czech?


lid. černý kůň


styl hudby založený na rytmickém přednesu textu místo zpěvu


hlas kachny

Translation rap translation

How do I translate rap from Czech into English?

rap Czech » English


Rap Czech » English


rap English

Translation rap in Czech

How do you say rap in Czech?

rap English » Czech

úder rap klepnout zaťukat plesknutí

Rap English » Czech


Examples rap in Czech examples

How do I translate rap into Czech?

Movie subtitles

So I, uh, I just came over to, you know, like rap and hang out and talk about stuff.
Takže, se jen zastavila, abychom si zarapovali a poflakovali se, a probírali různé věci.
That was a pretty tough rap on the chin.
Byla to pěkná rána do brady.
I wanted to get you on that rap.
Za tu věc jsem chtěl dostat.
Rap on the door.
Zabušte na dveře.
Here's a guy who walks into City Treasury, grabs himself 350,000 bucks and there isn't a judge in town to give him the rap he deserves.
Ten chlapík si jen tak vezme z městské pokladny 350 000 dolarů. a není soudce, který by ho za to zavřel.
It's my rap, and I'll take it but it's my 100 grand, and I'll take that, too, the day I get out. Look.
Vezmu to na sebe, ale je to mejch 1 00 táců, a ty si taky vezmu, se odsud dostanu.
I took the rap, three years.
Odsedím si tři roky.
I'm not taking the rap for this job. It's every man for himself.
Za tenhle kšeft nevezmu vinu na sebe.
I help her beat the rap, and she never even asked if I got enough dough for the fine.
Pomůžu z toho ven, a ani se nezeptá, jestli mám dost peněz.
You took a rap I couldn't afford. It would've put me out of business.
Kdyby dostali, nemohla bych dál pracovat.
What was your rap?
Co ty?
I'll take the heat off Lloyd, beat the rap some other way.
Nechám Lloyda na pokoji, dostanu se z toho jinak.
This is one rap you won't beat.
Z tohohle se nedostaneš.
You can suit yourself but if you miss market, you'll take a rap for the whole load.
Jak myslíte, ale když to nestihnete, zaplatíte za celej náklad.

News and current affairs

While I have never met or spoken to him, I believe that he is getting a bad rap (and increasingly so).
Ačkoliv jsem se s ním nikdy nesetkal ani s ním nemluvil, věřím, že tento muž čelí nařčením neprávem (a ve stále větší míře).