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prolétnout Czech

Synonyms prolétnout synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as prolétnout?

Conjugation prolétnout conjugation

How do you conjugate prolétnout in Czech?

prolétnout · verb

Examples prolétnout examples

How do I use prolétnout in a sentence?

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No jistě, donutit stíhače vystřelit své rakety, vyhnout se jim a potom v klidu prolétnout naší obranou.
Yes, Alec. Force the Interceptors to release their missiles, avoid them, then it gets a clear run past our Moonbase defences.
O pár roků dříve, když jsem byla vědeckým důstojníkem na Al-Batani, jsme zkoušeli prolétnout hustou protomlhovinou.
A few years back, when I was a science officer on the Al-Batani, we tried to navigate a dense protonebula.
Kdo chce prolétnout krátkou kapitolu toho deníku?
Who wants to burn through a quick chapter of this diary?
Doufala jsem, že by mohl prolétnout nějaké moje výsledky testů.
Hoping that he could rush through some test results of mine.
Kulka musela prolétnout skrz to okno, zpomalit a zasáhnout zde.
The bullet must have traveled through this window, tumbled and struck me here.
Co tak se prolétnout kolem města?
This must be very thrilling for you. What do you think you're doing?
Viděla jsem bramboru prolétnout kapotou auta.
I've seen a potato go through the hood of a car.
Alison, Aria potkala Duncana, vzal ji prolétnout letadlem a řekl , že s tebou ten den odletěl z Hilton Head.
Alison, Aria met Duncan, he took her up in his plane, and he told her that he flew you back from Hilton Head that day.
Apráveprotoasi chci prolétnout kolem.
That's why I'm flying around it.
A ta rychlost, protože jste otevírali později, bylo to jako prolétnout kolem 20-patrové budovy během jedné vteřiny.
And the speed, because you deployed so late, it was like flashing through a 20-story building in one second.
Cokoliv v tom bylo, muselo to stolem prolétnout jako raketa.
Whatever was in here must have shot across the table like a rocket.
Musíš prolétnout kolem okna v úhlu.
You need to swoop down past the window on an angle.
Zkusit prolétnout černou dírou.
Have one last crack at the black hole.

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