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nanosit Czech

Synonyms nanosit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as nanosit?

nanosit Czech » Czech

sebrat přinést natahat napřít nanést donést

Examples nanosit examples

How do I use nanosit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Hele, pomož mi nanosit dovnitř tyhle vajíčka.
Come on. help me get these pineapples inside.
Mám je nanosit?
Want to put some on?
Máte ještě 30 minut na nastěhování a na to nanosit svoje kufry nahoru na půdu.
You've got 30 minutes to get out and get your trunks up into the loft.
Musím nanosit vodu na zítřek.
I had to bring water for tomorrow.
Že není horko, takže sem můžu nanosit ty zatracený pytle.
It ain't hot now, so I can carry them goddamned cans back here.
No jo, stěhujeme, náklaďák nedostane ke baráku, tak jsme museli sem nanosit.
Yes we are, We must have brought all here for the moving car can't get to us.
vím, ale napřed musíme nanosit věci do sklepa.
I hope so, but first we gotta get to take things into the cellar.
Sturkas, vemTurreho a jděte nanosit vodu a dřevo na oheň.
Sturkas, take Turre and go fetch water and firewood.
Víno pít, vodu nanosit. muži v poušti rádi pijí víno.
Drinking wine, passing water. men in the desert like drinking wine.
Mohl to sem nanosit pes Ne, Ne.
It could've been brought in by the dog. No, no.
Nemohl bys tam sám nanosit díly?
Could you do it alone?
Musel jsem nanosit ze sklepa nějaké dřevo na topení.
I had to carry some firewood up from the basement for her.
Tak vodu z řeky do parku za jednu noc nanosit!
You are expected to transfer the water from the river into the park in a single night?
Nechci tam nanosit písek.
I don't want to track sand in.

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