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mouse Czech

Examples mouse examples

How do I use mouse in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Dvojčata, Muffy a Mouse.
The twins, Muffy and Mouse.
Chceš říct, že napsali knížku o psovi Mickey Mouse?
You mean they wrote a whole big book about Mickey Mouse's dog?
In our struggle for freedom, much credit must be given to this illustrious...mouse, for it was Amos who was really responsible for the great deeds attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
In our struggle for freedom, much credit must be given to this illustrious...mouse, for it was Amos who was really responsible for the great deeds attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
Could you use a handy mouse?
Could you use a handy mouse?
Chlapi, viděli jste Mouse?
You men seen Mouse?
Doufám, že to nedostanu tak jako Mouse.
Hope I never get it like Mouse did.
Mouse bude v pořádku, myslím.
Mouse'll be okay, I guess.
Tenhle chlap je lepší herec než Mickey Mouse.
This bloke's a better actor than Mickey Mouse.
Mickey Mouse.
Mickey Mouse.
Mickey Mouse kýlu.
Mickey Mouse has warts.
To je Minnie Mouse.
It's Minnie Mouse.
Mickey Mouse?
Mickey Mouse shape?
Chytneš kulku a myslíš si, že ti dají více než jen náplast Mickyho Mouse.
Take a bullet, think they'd give you more than a Mickey Mouse band-aid.

mouse English

Translation mouse in Czech

How do you say mouse in Czech?

Examples mouse in Czech examples

How do I translate mouse into Czech?

Simple sentences

This mouse was killed by my cat.
Tato myš byla zabita mojí kočkou.
The cat ate the mouse.
Kočka snědla myš.
I saw a snake eating a mouse.
Viděl jsem hada, jak myš.
I want each of you to be as quiet as a mouse.
Chci, aby každý z vás byl tichý jako myška.
I saw a mouse.
Viděla jsem myš.

Movie subtitles

A mouse in wolf's clothing, or little clothing at all.
Myš oblečená jako vlk, nebo skoro vůbec.
You're afraid of a mouse?
Ty se bojíš myši?
After scouring the country for food, the Little Fellow had to admit he had seen nothing, not even a field mouse.
Náš človíček prohledal celý kraj ale nikde nenašel nic k jídlu. Ani polní myš.
He's playing with us. like a cat with a mouse.
Hraje si s námi jako kočka s myší..
H Weave A Speedy Little Mouse.
Máme rychlou malou myšku.
A trap that Octavian will fall into like a little mouse.
Past na Octaviana, do které se chytí jako myška.
As quiet as a little mouse.
Bude potichu jako myš.
And where is the little mouse now?
A kdepak je ta myš právě teď?
Are you a man or a mouse?
Jste muž, nebo zbabelá myš?
Mickey the Mouse and Donald the Duck.
Myšák Mickey a Kačer Donald.
I'm taking a mouse.
Vezmu myš.
And. no mouse.
Myš je pryč.
No mouse.
Je pryč.
The mouse is a wise and affectionate neighbor.
Myš je chytré zvíře.

News and current affairs

But, as the rising tide of tax evasion suggests, these mechanisms amount only to a cat game of and mouse problem - and the mice, it seems, are winning.
Jak ale příliv daňových úniků naznačuje, tyto mechanismy nejsou víc než hra kočky při přemnožení myší - a myši, zdá se, vítězí.
Diasporas are now a mouse click away.
Diaspory jsou dnes vzdálené na pouhé kliknutí myší.
It is similar to the fanatic feelings of a mouse who thinks that there is nothing more fearful than a cat.
Podobá se to fanatickému pocitu myši, která si myslí, že nic strašnějšího než kočka neexistuje.
The Washington mountain has labored and brought forth less than a mouse.
Washingtonská hora těžce rodila a nepřivedla na svět ani myš.
This cat-and-mouse game between regulators and market participants is already ongoing, but its true nature has not yet been acknowledged.
Hra kočky a myši mezi regulátory a účastníky trhu je vampnbsp;plném proudu, ale její podstatu jsme si ještě nepřiznali.
Interestingly, in cultured mouse or human cells, the mammalian SIR2 gene determines a cell's response to DNA damage.
V kulturách myších nebo lidských buněk savčí gen SIR2 kupodivu určuje reakci buňky na poškození DNA.
In those days, editors, reporters, and columnists played a cat-and-mouse game with the authorities, resorting to satire, humor, or metaphor.
Vydavatelé, reportéři a komentátoři v oněch dobách hráli s úřady hru na kočku a myš a uchylovali se k satiře, humoru či metafoře.

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