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motat Czech

Translation motat translation

How do I translate motat from Czech into English?

motat Czech » English

wind up roll reel twist

Synonyms motat synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as motat?

motat Czech » Czech

motat se navíjet doplést

Conjugation motat conjugation

How do you conjugate motat in Czech?

motat · verb

Examples motat examples

How do I use motat in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Ty ses kolem něj nemusel motat.
You didn't have to pass him 100 times a day.
Nemusíte se tady motat.
Well, there's no use your hanging around here!
Motat šňůry na malý špulky a tak.
Winding string on little spools and things like that.
Chceš říct, že se budeš motat kolem do konce mého života?
You're going to hang around me for the rest of my life?
Nechtěl jsem se tam motat.
I didn't want to stick around.
Když se bude motat kolem Jimovy holky, nebude ho znát nikdo, a to by byla škoda.
If he keeps mooning around Jim's girl, nobody'll know him. and that'd be too bad.
Takhle skončí každej, kdo se bude motat kolem holky!
Next guy that messes around my gal gets the same thing!
Ziegfeld nechce v show, pokud se budeš motat kolem.
So Ziegfeld doesn't want me in the show with you around.
Jestli se kolem budeš motat, zabiju .
If I catch you hanging around her, I'll kill you.
Pokud v nich dovedu vyvolat představivost, bude se tu kolem těch kostí motat spousta úředníků!
Look, if I can't catch his imagination, there'll be a block of offices slapped on that site, bones an' all!
Proč radši nejdete motat obvazy! Co vy můžete vědět o strojích?
Why don't you go and roll some bandages?
Takže Nathan dostane Joea zpět, bude se tu Joe motat.
After Nathan gets Joe back, he's still got to live here.
Jestli se kolem budeš stále motat, půjde z domu.
If you can't keep away from that girl, I'll get her out of the house.
Zjistíš, jak je hloupé pro západního člověka motat se do našich věcí.
You will learn how stupid it is for an occidental to pry into matters which do not concern him.

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