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Meaning meaning

What does mean in Czech?

název hlásky a písmene J

nář. ho, jej

Translation translation

How do I translate from Czech into English?

Czech » English

gee yippee oh

Synonyms synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as ?

Czech » Czech

ó! ách! jéé jeje jejda

Examples examples

How do I use in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

A je.
Oy vey.
, to nemůžu, někdy jindy.
Oh, I can't now. Another time.
Lelíček: !
Oh my!
, druhá, no tak tady.
Oh dear, that's my second one. So, here it is.
, to budeme večeřet sami každý večer?
Gee whiz, are we going to have dinner on our own every night?
, bych chtěl, abys jela hned.
Gee whiz, I wish you were coming now.
, mami.
Gee, Mummy.
, Kitty koťata!
Oh, Kitty had her babies!
A . marnotratnost.
It's an unfailing sign of vanity.
, to jsou hezké postýlky. hele, na každé je něco psáno.
Oh, what adorable little beds! And look, they have their names carved on them.
, trpaslíci.
Why, why, you're little men!
Elegán: , milostivá, ráčila jste ztratit kapesník.
Excuse me, Madame, you dropped your handkerchief.
Elegán: , milostivá, ráčila jste ztratit kapesníček.
You dropped your handkerchief, Madame.