fletcher English
Translation fletcher in Czech
How do you say fletcher in Czech?
Examples fletcher in Czech examples
How do I translate fletcher into Czech?
Movie subtitles
Fletcher, I want you to sail with me again.
Fletchere, já chci aby jsi se mnou znovu plul.
Well I don't have your connections, you see Fletcher.
Dobře já nemám tvé konekce, to víš Fletchere.
Fletcher Christian could hardly be called a novice, sir.
Fletcher Christian může být stěží nazván nováčkem, pane.
It was taken from me by a gang of mutineers led by Fletcher Christian.
Loď byla unesena vzbouřenci, vedenými Fletcherem Christianem. Mužem kterého jste podporoval.
Fletcher Christian at least had courage.
Fletcher Christian měl přinejmenším kuráž.
Was Fletcher Christian at this time still your friend and ally?
Byl Fletcher Christian v této době ještě Vaším přítelem a spojencem? V té době, ano.
Not at the ceremony. No, it was Fletcher Christian and the native girl.
Ne, Fletcher Christian a domorodá dívka.
Fletcher Christian corrupted them. Yes, but what made them so easy to corrupt?
Ano, ale co udělal, že je tak lehce nakazil?
Hey, Fletcher Christian.
Fletcher Christian. Harami.
Fletcher Christian.
Fletcher Christian. Tvá žena.
Look, I've been at sea many years, Fletcher. Since I was twelve.
Podívej, sloužím na moři mnoho let, Fletchere.
They're not like us, Fletcher. You think I was harsh with you.
Oni nejsou jako my, Fletchere.
News and current affairs
So, what is new about today's anti-Semitism, asks George Fletcher?
George Fletcher si klade otázku, v čem se dnešní antisemitismus liší od svých předchůdců.
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