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clark Czech

Examples clark examples

How do I use clark in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Clark Kent je hrdina z příběhů o Supermanovi.
Clark Kent is the hero of the Superman stories.

Movie subtitles

Lynn Clark, 40, nová v Torontu.
Lynn Clark, 40s, new to Toronto.
Clark a Bennett odpřisáhnou, že ho zaregistrovali na jaře, tenkrát tu nebyli.
Now Clark and Bennett swear they filed in the spring. And I know they didn't come to Nome before November.
Na letišti Clark v Manile.
chlapec je na letišti Clark.
Letiště Clark volá 05564.
Hlášení šerifovy kanceláře, Clark Street.
Report sheriff's station, Clark street.
Williame, tento gentleman je Kaptán Jonathan Clark, Bostoňan.
William, this gentleman is Captain Jonathan Clark, the Boston Man.
Mami, Jonathan Clark je tady.
Mamie, Jonathan Clark is here.
Myslela jsem, že jste mi řekl, že Kapitán Clark nemá zájem o moje peníze.
I thought you told me that Captain Clark was not interested in my money.
Kapitán Clark?
Captain Clark?
Kapitán Frank Wilson, draze milovaný z Lela Clark Wilson.
Captain Frank Wilson, dearly beloved of Lela Clark Wilson.
Meiskar, Clark a Kreb vystoupí.
Meiskar, Clark, Kreb, out!
Jim Clark a jeho žena Shirley a jejich děti. lidé co jsem znal celý můj život.
Jim Clark and his wife Shirley and their kids. people I've known all my life.
Jsem Clark Davis. je mi moc líto vaší ztráty.
I'm Clark Davis. and I'm truly sorry about your loss.

clark English

Examples clark in Czech examples

How do I translate clark into Czech?

Simple sentences

Clark Kent is the hero of the Superman stories.
Clark Kent je hrdina z příběhů o Supermanovi.

Movie subtitles

Lynn Clark, 40s, new to Toronto.
Lynn Clark, 40, nová v Torontu.
Lynn Clark. Last seen in the company of a tall blonde woman in her middle years.
Naposledy viděna ve společnosti vysoké, blonďaté ženy ve věku kolem 40ti let.
Send in Clark and Brown.
Pošlete Clarka a Browna.
Clark, send the story to all of the newspapers.
Clarku, dej vědět všem novinám.
Gilbert Clark, not guilty.
GiIbert CIark, nevinen.
Why, a Mr. Clark and a Mr. Bennett.
Proč, na pana Clarka a pana Bennetta.
Clark, Bennett. Clark. Oh, yes, here we are.
Tady je.
Clark, Bennett. Clark. Oh, yes, here we are.
Tady je.
Clark and Bennett. Now, see?
Tady.podívejte se.
Now Clark and Bennett swear they filed in the spring. And I know they didn't come to Nome before November.
Clark a Bennett odpřisáhnou, že ho zaregistrovali na jaře, tenkrát tu nebyli.
No, no. I want you to round up Clark and Bennett right away.
Ne, chci navštívit Clarka a Bennetta.
About Clark and Bennett? Yeah.
O Clarkovi a Bennetovi?
Come out of there, Clark!
Vypadni odsud, Clarku!
You ain't hopping no claim of mine, Clark!
Mou žílu nedostaneš, Clarku!

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