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breeder English

Translation breeder in Czech

How do you say breeder in Czech?

Examples breeder in Czech examples

How do I translate breeder into Czech?

Simple sentences

Malnourished animals were taken away from the breeder.
Podvyživená zvířata byla chovateli odebrána.

Movie subtitles

Look in your breeder's guide.
Mrknete do pruvodce chovatele.
I haven't got any breeder's guide.
Nemám pruvodce chovatele.
You haven't got a breeder's guide?
Nemáte pruvodce chovatele?
I don't want it to get around that I haven't got a breeder's guide.
Nechci, aby všichni vedeli, že ho nemám.
Even my best friends don't know I haven't got a breeder's guide.
Nevedí to ani moji nejlepší prátelé.
Well, boss, I feel pretty sorry for you, walking around without a breeder's guide.
To je mi líto, šéfe, že nemáte pruvodce chovatele.
Why, you're just throwing your money away buying those other books without a breeder's guide.
Vyhazujete za nákup knih, a nemáte pruvodce chovatele.
Breeder's guide.
Pruvodce chovatele.
Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?
Proč měla bys hříšníky plodit?
He was the presiding steward, the chief handicapper, the starter, the judge, the breeder and his own bookie.
Předsedal tomu, určoval handikap dostihů, byl startér, soudce, chovatel a majitel sázkové kanceláře.
Gooper's wife, she's a good breeder.
Gooperova žena je dobrá chovná samice.
Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?
Proč rodit hříšníky?
After all, I am a cattle breeder's daughter.
Jsem přece dcera chovatele dobytka.
Sit down, you lice breeder, you.
Posaď se, ty krotiteli vší.

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