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AVE Czech

Translation AVE translation

How do I translate AVE from Czech into English?

AVE Czech » English


Synonyms AVE synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as AVE?

ave Czech » Czech

klekání buď zdráv buď vítán

Inflection AVE inflection

How do you inflect AVE in Czech?

ave · noun


Examples AVE examples

How do I use AVE in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Tím druhým je světoznámé Ave Maria Franze Schuberta.
The second is Franz Schubert's world-famous Ave Maria.
Potom uslyšíme Ave Maria nesoucí poselství vítězství naděje a života nad beznadějí a smrtí.
And then we hear the Ave Maria, with its message of the triumph of hope and life over the powers of despair and death.
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria.
Riccardo zpíval Ave Maria a všechny nás rozbrečel.
Riccardo sang Ave Maria and made us all cry.
Za tu marnivost, to je 6x Ave a 6x Otče náš.
You will say six A ves and a Pater Noster for that bit of vanity, Sister.
Pomodlete se ještě 5x Ave a vyproste si polévku. prohřešek proti pýše, sestro.
You'll say another five A ves and beg your soup. for that little display of pride, Sister.
Ave Caesar!
Hail Caesar!
Ave Caesar.
Hail Caesar.
Ave Caesar!
Hail Caesar!
Ave a sbohem, malý Caesare.
Hail and farewell, little Caesar.
Ave Antonius!
Hail Antony!
Ave Antoniovy legie!
Hail Antony's legion!
Procházel se po Commonwealth Ave.
He was wandering down Commonwealth Ave.
Ave, Gaje Bone!
Hail Caius!

ave English

Translation AVE in Czech

How do you say AVE in Czech?

ave English » Czech

ulice třída

AVE English » Czech


Examples AVE in Czech examples

How do I translate AVE into Czech?

Movie subtitles

What I mean is, they 'ave to wink at some things.
Někdo mohl vidět nějaké věci.
The second is Franz Schubert's world-famous Ave Maria.
Tím druhým je světoznámé Ave Maria Franze Schuberta.
And then we hear the Ave Maria, with its message of the triumph of hope and life over the powers of despair and death.
Potom uslyšíme Ave Maria nesoucí poselství vítězství naděje a života nad beznadějí a smrtí.
Just a moment, h ave you a gazing glass?
Chvilku. Máš zrcadlo?
Ave Maria.
Ave Maria!
Riccardo sang Ave Maria and made us all cry.
Riccardo zpíval Ave Maria a všechny nás rozbrečel.
I've got something to sell 'im, I 'ave.
Chcu mu prodat něco, co mám.
There's a heavy fog rolling in on Glenbrook Ave.
Na Glenbrook Avenue sestupuje hustá mlha.
A ring from the Ave Mozart robbery was found under the body.
Pod tělem našli prsten z loupeže v Mozartově ulici.
His accomplices in the Ave Mozart job killed him, to get his share.
Asi ti jeho komplici! Chtěli šperky pro sebe!
The Ave Mozart jewels and the gun that killed Varnove are in Nutteccio's safe.
Nuthecio v sejfu šperky - i vražednou zbraň!
From the Ave Mozart job, that you arranged.
Z tvé loupeže v Mozartovce!
Might I 'ave the pleasure of a word with you?
Můžu si s váma promluvit? Ale.
Now you know, don'tcha I'm come to 'ave lessons, I am.
A teď to víte. Chci lekce.