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Examples attainment level examples

How do I use attainment level in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Tady soudce Level.
Judge Level here.
Podívejme, Level je tady!
Here's Level!
To je soudce Level.
It's Judge Level.
Vojín Level, divize debilů.
Private Level, Asshole Division.
Soudce Level byl v tomto ohledu podivně laxní.
Judge Level lacks curiosity.
Soudce Level mohl tedy jeho výpověď snadno přizpůsobit svému záměru očernit tyto tři policisty.
Judge Level slanted the deposition in order to incriminate these three policemen.
Soudce Level zneužívá svou pozici k ovlivňování soudu!
Judge Level is exploiting his position to influence the court.
Soudce Level je nejen čestný muž, on je ctí přímo zaslepen!
Judge Level is certainly an honest man a man blinded by honesty.
Kde je level 3?
Where is Level 3?
Kde je level 3?
Jsou na cestě na Level 5.
On the way to Level 5.
Jednotky 3, 5 a 7, okamžitě běžte na level 5.
Unit groups 3, 5 and 7, proceed immediately to Level 5.
Detekuji vysoký level chronitonové radiace v tvých buňkách.
What is it? I'm detecting high-IeveI chroniton radiation in your cells.
Chronitonový level na 79 rentgenech.
Chroniton level at 79 roentgens.

attainment level English

Translation attainment level in Czech

How do you say attainment level in Czech?

Examples attainment level in Czech examples

How do I translate attainment level into Czech?

Simple sentences

During the last Ice Age, so much water was trapped in icy glaciers that the sea level dropped by as much as 120 meters.
Během poslední doby ledové bylo v ledovcích zadrženo tolik vody, že mořská hladina poklesla o 120 metrů.
The sea level is rising.
Úroveň hladiny moře se zvedá.
I don't want to stoop to his level.
Nechci klesnout na jeho úroveň.

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