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Translation Spokane in Czech

How do you say Spokane in Czech?

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How do I translate Spokane into Czech?

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No, I have a brother in Spokane who has quite a brood.
Ne, mám bratra ve Spokane, ten ho doma .
I've got a guru from Spokane. and two more hell-fires who see visions of the Virgin Mary.
Mám tu guru ze Spokane a další dva pekelníky, kteří mají vidiny panny Marie.
I got a couple of kids livin' up in Spokane.
Mám dvě děti. Bydlej ve Spokane.
Ask him to call me in Spokane.
Požádej ho, mi zavolá do Spokany.
You be ready when I get home. We gotta drive all the way to Spokane.
Dneska jedeme do Spokane.
To the northwest of Spokane.
Severozápadně od Spokane.
Book me on the next flight to Spokane, and while I'm in the air, I'll figure out a way to get me to Bishop Falls.
Zamluvte mi nejbližší let do Spokane, a než dojedu na letiště, zjistím se, jak se dostanu k těm vodopádům.
Your final call for those passengers to Spokane, Butte, Fargo Minneapolis and Chicago.
Poslední výzva pro cestující do Spokane, Butte, Farga, Minneapolis a Chicaga.
Oh, and this is me with Brock Farmington, triple-A champion from Spokane.
A tady jsem s Brockem Farmingtonem. Šampiónem celostátní ligy ze Spokane.
Well, I'm Dr. Gerald Craig, an old friend of Will's from medical school. And, well, you see, I have a convention in Spokane and so I just thought I'd swing by and surprise them.
Jsem doktor Gerald Craig, starý Willův přítel z medicíny a víte, mám konferenci ve Spokane a tak jsem si říkal, že zaskočím a překvapím je.
He said he was on his way to a convention in Spokane.
Říkal, že je na cestě na konferenci ve Spokane.
An English teacher from Spokane, Washington, Dr: Leonard Allen.
Učitel angličtiny ze Spokane ve Washingtonu, doktor Leonard Allen.
I want to congratulate Frenchy. and all those used car dealers in Spokane are eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Gratuluju, Frenchy. čekají na tebe všechny autobazary ve Spokane.
I had this dream, you know? And this dream told me to go to Spokane to stand by the falls.
Zdál se mi sen. a ten sen mi řekl, abych šel k vodopádům ve Spokane.

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