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shapiro English

Examples Shapiro in German examples

How do I translate Shapiro into German?

Movie subtitles

Harry Shapiro, the Volga Boatman of Barracks 4.
Harry Shapiro, der Wolgasegler aus Baracke 4.
Shapiro. - Yup.
Shapiro, Shapiro, Manfredi.
Shapiro, Shapiro, Manfredi.
Shapiro, Shapiro, Manfredi.
Shapiro, Shapiro, Manfredi.
Shapiro, Musgrove. - Hey!
Shapiro, Musgrove.
Shapiro, Shapiro.
Shapiro, Shapiro.
Shapiro, Shapiro.
Shapiro, Shapiro.
It's amazing. 50 million guys running around back home, and all those dames want is Sugar-lips Shapiro.
Es ist erstaunlich. 50 Millionen Männer laufen daheim herum, und alles, was diese Weiber wollen, ist Zuckerlippe Shapiro.
Sugar-lips Shapiro.
Zuckerlippe Shapiro.
Harry Shapiro!
Harry Shapiro!
I'm changing to production. Are you coming to hear Shapiro?
Kommst du heute Abend mit ins Konzert von Shapiro?
What about Shapiro?
Mit dem Hotel Alsina. - Alsina?
Come talk to Mr. Shapiro.
Hallo, Monsieur Chapiro?

News and current affairs

But, on a recent trip to Israel, White House adviser Dan Shapiro is said to have been reassured that the Israelis will not embarrass their American friends.
Allerdings soll der Berater des Weißen Hauses, Dan Shapiro, während einer Reise nach Israel vor kurzem die Zusicherung erhalten haben, wonach die Israelis ihre amerikanischen Freunde nicht blamieren werden.
In exchange, Shapiro handed the ultra-orthodox leader of Israel's Shas party an invitation to the White House.
Im Gegenzug dafür übergab Shapiro dem ultra-orthodoxen Chef der israelischen Schas-Partei eine Einladung in das Weiße Haus.

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