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Iod German

Meaning Iod meaning

What does Iod mean in German?


Chemie, fachsprachlich: chemisches Element mit der Ordnungszahl 53, das zur Gruppe der Halogene gehört

Translation Iod translation

How do I translate Iod from German into English?

Iod German » English


Synonyms Iod synonyms

What other words in German have the same or similar meaning as Iod?

Iod German » German


Examples Iod examples

How do I use Iod in a sentence?

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Ich brauche Iod, Skalpelle Nummer 10 und 15, Zangen und eine größere Salatschüssel.
Gonna need iodine, scalpels number 10 and 15, forceps, and a largish salad bowl.
Dieses Iod hinterließ einen ziemlich merkwürdigen Nachgeschmack.
That iodine left a really weird aftertaste.
Es ist das Iod.
It's the iodine.
Hat ihn praktisch mit Iod vergiftet.
Practically poisoned him with iodine.
Das ist Iod-135.
There's iodine-135.
Ein Reaktor ist was anderes. Iod, Xenon, was noch?
Iodine, xenon, who knows what else.
Sag ihm, du willst dich IOD melden.
Tell your rep you want to go IOD.
Sie sind IOD.
You're IOD.
Wir sind wohl alle IOD.
I guess we're all IOD.
Ich kann den Partner des Jungen nicht befragen, IOD.
Can't talk to the kid's partner, 'cause he's out IOD for stress.
Gold, Protactinium, Indium, Gallium, Iod, Thorium, Thulium, Thallium.
What's going on in American Psycho Barbie's head?