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Examples vytvářet grunt examples

How do I use vytvářet grunt in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Marzipan pigs do not grunt.

Movie subtitles

Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life. Life.
Maybe he'll strike you or maybe grunt and kiss you.
Nobody knows how to talk, just grunt at each other.
They just grunt.
Little fat pigs shouldn't grunt too loudly.
I'll shovel and you grunt.
Just act mean and grunt, huh?
A wandering leaf, a creaky door, a distant grunt.
Yes, partly, I grunt like my father, in fact.
I've never seen him lose his dignity. - Does he grunt?
He did not grunt.
I'm better off with a grunt or a groan for a name.
But you, with your overweening malice, give the award to a twitching, mumbling boy who can barely grunt his way through an incomprehensible performance.
No, he grunt like a pig with the pain in his teeth.
And groan, grunt, stagger about.
Little fat pigs shouldn't grunt too loudly. They could become bacon.
Nod your head or grunt or something?
Now, if you see her, I want you to let out a grunt, okay?
Just a little grunt, or a growl, or something.
Paula, lions roar, grunt, growl, cough, and purr but they definitely do not bay.
Clarence, stick around and see if you can find anything interesting. You do, let out with a grunt.
A grunt.
Does he grunt?
Maybe he'll strike you or maybe grunt and kiss you. That's if kisses have been discovered yet.
No, they take after Uncle Ned. They just grunt.
Sports make you grunt and smell.
What are you talking about? Strike that line chatter, grunt.
You come for the grunt?
I mean, a genuine dumb grunt. cashing in before your very eyes.
After clock strikes twelve it is very important to swallow acorn, scratch your year, grunt three times and step on friend's foot.
If you read me, grunt twice.
He's just a grunt.
Why don't we just grunt at each other?
What'd you expect from a pig but a grunt?
That was a grunt. A deep inhalation of oxygen to aid in the stretching of muscles.

News and current affairs

Everywhere people gripe about how teenagers grunt and do not speak.

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