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textile English

Meaning textile meaning

What does textile mean?
Definitions in simple English


A textile is cloth made out of fabric.


(= fabric, cloth, material) artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC she measured off enough material for a dress of or relating to fabrics or fabric making textile research

Synonyms textile synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as textile?

Examples textile examples

How do I use textile in a sentence?

Simple sentences

More than a 1000 workers died when a textile factory collapsed in Bangladesh.
Children work in this textile factory in conditions close to slavery making clothes for a well-known brand.
Valentina's mother worked in a textile plant.
Valentina started school in 1945 when she was eight years old. She left school to begin working in a textile plant in 1953.
The empire expanded eastward, in search of resources for its burgeoning textile industry.
Her father was a tractor driver and her mother worked in a textile plant.
Mary is a textile artist.

Movie subtitles

I'm in the textile trade, and I know.
A man in the textile industry must know Manchester.
I, uh, help out-of-town buyers get woolens, dress skirts - anything in the textile line.
Next week, I'll start building that textile plant.
I'd like to borrow Sister Luke to organize our boys in the textile mills.
Provisions brokers, textile brokers, steel brokers.
Textile design.
Now I work in a textile factory.
Some textile mills have more than 300 years.
The parts ship, the textile ship and the Celestra.
Contacts with ad agencies. lead to job as stylist with textile firm.
That night we left for Cholet where I got an accounting job in a textile firm.
I turn especially to you. metal-workers, miners, steelworkers and textile-workers.
Well, as I understand it, you're in the textile business.
Oh, no, it must be a textile mill.
Textile mills to pay, payroll to meet.
Tea, textile, tobacco.
Anyway, that doesn't change anything since nothing ever does in this city which isn't a city but the temple to the textile industry's prosperity and grandeur.
Living from and for the textile industry. until death.
The manager should always be a textile industry son.
Sometimes the textile industry gathers here, sometimes it recruits.
Through La Roche-Bernard's intervention, textile-owned Agruma cleared its lands selling them to another subsidiary, the real estate company Renova.
Everyone knows that the credit company Sofalex is the textile industry's mouthpiece.
Don't forget that while sewing textile interests, he only took on their club's leadership.
In Saluzzo there are 200 textile workers without a job.
He wanted me to stay in the textile factory. 16 hours a day. with my hands in water and end in a hospital. like so many fools I know.
I worked in a textile factory, some modeling.
Looks more like an assistant manager for a textile company.
The bride's from a good family in the textile industry.
After what you did, I had to quit the textile company.
I work in the textile mill.
I study in Ivanovo, at a textile school.
He owns a textile mill on Szechwan Road.
A batch of toxic waste. from your clean textile plant!

News and current affairs

In the US, the first profitable textile mills blatantly violated British patents.
As a result, China's economy is dominated by resource-hungry and inefficient polluters, such as coal and mineral mines, textile and paper mills, iron and steel makers, petrochemical factories, and building material producers.
But the WTO-induced expansion of non-agricultural labor-intensive sectors, particularly the textile and clothing industries, could absorb these workers.
In the early 20th century, it took over twenty years for the electrical engine to transform the textile industry.
But all their politicians seem to worry about is how some farmer or textile worker may lose their job.
In the early nineteenth century, a group of English textile workers known as the Luddites worried that new technologies like power looms and spinning frames would cost them their jobs.
The signs of the fading miracle became visible when Japanese competitors and other Asian Tigers succeeded in wiping out substantial parts of Germany's labor-intensive textile, optical products, and precision engineering industries.
LONDON - At the start of the Industrial Revolution, textile workers in the Midlands and the North of England, mainly weavers, staged a spontaneous revolt, smashing machinery and burning factories.
At the same time, EU policy has sidelined clear southern priorities, like opening up Europe's agriculture and textile markets.
Around the same time, the Luddites smashed the textile machinery that they saw as taking their jobs.
The dramatic decline in India's share of global GDP under Britain's rule, as Britain passed trade laws designed to benefit its textile producers at the expense of those in its colony, is the most visible example.
Yet India's textile industry could not compete against Britain's, even though British wages were five times higher.
In the textile industry in the early twentieth century, for example, output per worker hour of Polish workers in New England was four times greater than that of Polish workers using the same machines in Poland.
Apple is shifting some manufacturing from China to Silicon Valley; Airtex Design Group is moving part of its textile production from China back to the United States.
But now many Bangladeshis fears for their livelihoods, owing to unlimited Chinese textile imports following the end of quotas last year.
Losing this sector of the economy to the hyper-competitive Chinese will be a hard hit, as textile exports are often the first step on the development ladder.
When the textile and shoe industries in America's northeastern states died, workers moved to the West, where new industries were growing.
The US textile lobby insisted that knit fabrics exported north come from Central America.
Thus, Pakistan should not devote so much of its energy to improving its access to the US textile market, as it now does.
Early modern Italian textile workers would find their pay in silver reduced, while their products still commanded a gold price on the international market for luxuries.
The Indians want faster liberalization of the textile and clothing trades; the EU wants better enforcement of intellectual- property protection.
India responded to Pakistan's gesture by supporting its bid for membership of the United Nation's Security Council, and by withdrawing its objections to the European Union's grant of special privileges to Pakistani textile exporters.
But when, say, the Luddites of the early nineteenth century protested against newly developed textile machinery by smashing it, the authorities did not intervene to limit new technologies.
Just ask any professional, university-educated descendant of a nineteenth-century textile artisan.

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