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randomness English

Meaning randomness meaning

What does randomness mean?


the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan (= entropy) (thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity

Synonyms randomness synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as randomness?

Examples randomness examples

How do I use randomness in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Open systems have no randomness.

Movie subtitles

The intervals between blinks were governed by the Fourier system. the same mathematical formula my father used to give my blinking pattern the appearance of randomness.
The sheer randomness of it.
In math, randomness is considered a pattern.
Actually, pure randomness is really what forms. the computer's creation.
The seeming randomness of it.
Genes and randomness.
Parallel synchronized randomness.
Randomness is very difficult to achieve.
Randomness, see?
And it would teach the boys more about history and the utter randomness of things than. well, than I've ever managed to do, so far.
But then, uh, Radin found. that whenever the intentions were strong in the courtroom. that's when the deviation of. these random number generators from randomness. becomes very high.
The randomness of the victimology - average people in an average-sized town. all points to a local resident.
This discussion of randomness. Was it somehow related to the freeway attacks?
The randomness of what's left unfinished, it's a complete emotion before pure genius.
The intervals between blinks were governed by the Fourier system, the same formula my father used to give my blinking the appearance of randomness.
The seeming randomness of it. The chaos.
I'm sure. blaming someone must be an attractive notion in the face of such hideous randomness, even when it's so obviously groundless.
I like things messy. But chaos theory states that there's an underlying perfection to the randomness of all things.
I used to get lost in the beauty of numbers, the randomness, the symmetry.
You people love any story that denies the randomness of existence.
That there's randomness and chaos in the universe.
While your world's may seem utterly disconnected, the paths that you have individually taken bring you together at freakish randomness.
To have a winning streak of this duration, you have to be good, but there's an element of randomness to it.
The pattern in randomness. so that we can see it?
Oh, yeah. - Randomness is very difficult to achieve.
The randomness of life and all that.
You people love any story that denies the randomness of existence. Thanks.
I'll take him out for a beer, that'll make up for the fact that Amber's in a pine box, that there's randomness and chaos in the universe.
It's the subject of randomness versus determinism in the universe.

News and current affairs

Should the decision be left to the randomness of nature, as it is now?
The first holds that the universe is fundamentally probabilistic, generally random but with an order to its randomness.
So accepting the essential randomness of life is terribly difficult, and contradicts our deep psychological need for order and accountability.

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