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purchasing English

Meaning purchasing meaning

What does purchasing mean?


(= buying) the act of buying buying and selling fill their days shrewd purchasing requires considerable knowledge

Synonyms purchasing synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as purchasing?

Examples purchasing examples

How do I use purchasing in a sentence?

Simple sentences

To buy books would be a good thing if we could also buy the time to read them; as it is, the mere act of purchasing them is often mistaken for the assimilation and mastering of their contents.
One should try on shoes before purchasing them.
Purchasing power has greatly fallen.

Movie subtitles

No. -Purchasing of supplies, materials?
It was your idea to establish a purchasing depot there.
No, the British Purchasing Agency?
Oh no, he's just a purchasing clerk.
But even that is no real cause for alarm since we are actually the purchasing agent and consumer at the same time.
Stimulated by the most obvious incentives, such as, example, emulation, publicity, purchasing facilities.
They're Federal purchasing agents.
We're out of the U.S. Army purchasing office at Fort Clark, and we understand you have some horses to show us.
I see. and are you thinking- of purchasing a second shed?
Mr. Bagby, I'm purchasing this Winchester, the scabbard and shells.
Purchasing Department is on the second floor.
If you have any questions about purchasing land up here, our people will be mingling in the crowd to answer your questions.
State employee, purchasing agent.
How do we handle purchasing without Willets?
You did mention earlier in the evening purchasing the Chronicle, didn't you.
And now, sir, in appreciation of your good taste in purchasing this clock we are presenting to you, absolutely free, our capital gift of the day this lucky cat.
In such an emergency, we should like to make sure that our contributions are. isolated. for the purpose of paying soldiers and purchasing arms.
You know, I got a contract with the British Purchasing Agency and I got a friend in the Quartermaster Corps.
Aside from its purchasing power, it's completely useless as far as I'm concerned.
Purchasing, what about those clocks I asked you to buy?
You see, my husband and I are on an animal-purchasing expedition for the Mid-Continent Wildlife Federation.
Well, your basic problems in this case are purchasing and distribution.
Now, if they could centralize their purchasing and their distribution-- like use one camp as a depot-- then they wouldn't have a problem.
I have an appointment with Patent Purchasing.
He never arrived at Patent Purchasing.
Purchasing of supplies, materials?
I could go in there and pose as a purchasing agent for a film company.
Of purchasing a second shed?
Preparation and time devoted to the purchasing, especially of meat-- that's the secret of haute cuisine.
There seems to be some sort of panic purchasing.
All right, the yellow ones go to purchasing.
I knew nothing about insurance. or sales tax or the building code. or labour costs or the power company. or purchasing or linens.
Never have I seen you look so unhappy while purchasing such a large quantity of ice cream.
Purchasing alcohol with a fake I.D. is a crime in this state, son.
Just a small miscommunication whereby you thanked her instead of the person actually responsible for the purchasing of the big salad.
The Ferengi will cease purchasing tulaberry wine immediately.
And they made me head of purchasing, thank you!
Also in charge of purchasing.

News and current affairs

It has been claimed that foreign investors are purchasing land that has been left idle; thus, by bringing it into production, the purchases are increasing the availability of food overall.
Our analysis investigated, for example, the merits of more targeted policies for the near term: purchasing mosquito-resistant bed nets and oral re-hydration malaria therapy for children in the poorest nations affected by climate change.
Indeed, Argentina has had its share of economic success, with an income level, adjusted for purchasing power, around one-third of that of the US, and is far ahead of most countries in the world.
For one thing, its purchasing power is already scraping along at a fairly low level globally - indeed, near an all-time low, according to the Fed's broad dollar exchange-rate index.
Whatever tax-law changes the US Congress approves this summer are unlikely to have big effects on the flow of purchasing power to households until April, 2004.
And, indeed, the evidence suggests that China was larger (in terms of purchasing power parity) than any other economy in the world until around 1889, when the US eclipsed it.
A weak currency reduces household purchasing power by making imports expensive, thereby protecting import-competing SOEs and boosting exporters' profits.
They don't need to read or hear about the Falun Gong and human rights to make sound investment or purchasing decisions.
A RAND study projects that by 2015, China's military expenditure will be more than six times higher than Japan's, and its accumulated military capital stock will be roughly five times higher (measured at purchasing power parity).
Among the reforms will be tax policies aimed at boosting rural purchasing power, measures to broaden rural land ownership, and technology-led programs to raise agricultural productivity.
Many laws on licensing, monopolies, competition, and state purchasing that target the sources of (and opportunities for) corruption are now on the books.
Happily for world exporters, the same binge mentality that makes a whopping two-thirds of Americans either overweight or obese seems to extend to all their purchasing habits.
Put another way, ten years ago the US engine could drive the world economy, and ten years from now the emerging-market countries stand to take over that role, particularly given the rising purchasing power of their middle classes.
Once we take into account the purchasing power of dollars, the gap in incomes is approximately seven times between the rich and the poor countries.
As legions of new consumers gain purchasing power, demand inevitably rises, driving up the price of scarce commodities.
The combination of rising food and fuel prices and the financial and economic crisis has reduced poor families' purchasing power, access to social services, and employment opportunities.
That can't happen without increased wages and purchasing power for workers.
The EU's increasing income inequality misallocates the purchasing power that its economy desperately needs for growth and employment.
Several Central European countries have achieved per capita GDP levels (measured in terms of purchasing power parity) that place them on the lower rungs of the eurozone's income ladder.
Urbanization is a building block for consumption, because it provides powerful leverage to Chinese households' purchasing power.
Holes in the social safety net have led to high and rising levels of precautionary saving - driving a wedge between increases in labor income and any impetus to discretionary purchasing power.
Continued softness in recent data - from purchasing managers' sentiment and industrial output to retail sales and exports - has heightened the anxiety.
Unfortunately, the purchasing power of Europe's dollars shriveled during the 1970's, when the costs of waging the Vietnam War and a surge in oil prices ultimately contributed to a calamitous rise in inflation.
In New York and other American cities, European shoppers are on a spree. They're enjoying first hand the euro's enhanced purchasing power abroad.
The basic idea is that, when comparing incomes across countries, variations in purchasing power should be taken into account.
Thus, in principle, the purchasing power for the extra output would be available.

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