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nutrient English

Meaning nutrient meaning

What does nutrient mean?
Definitions in simple English


A nutrient is a something that is eaten for nourishment or energy. Nuts and berries are healthy: they are full of nutrients.


(= food) any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue (= nourishing) of or providing nourishment good nourishing stew any substance (such as a chemical element or inorganic compound) that can be taken in by a green plant and used in organic synthesis

Synonyms nutrient synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as nutrient?

Examples nutrient examples

How do I use nutrient in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Deemer's speciality is nutrient biology.
A nutrient.
Now perhaps you'll understand what an inexpensive nutrient will mean.
One batch of nutrient varies sharply from the next.
How's the nutrient coming along?
Some of the nutrient, when unstable, has even been deadly.
He was convinced that. an occasional failure with the animals. didn't necessarily mean. that the nutrient would fail with humans.
The isotope triggered our nutrient into a nightmare.
But I. continued the experiment. hoping that in the short time. left to me, I'd be able. to prove the. nutrient. would work.
They lived on nothing but our nutrient.
Now its nutrient is all but exhausted.
H.P. Nutrient now available in the cafeteria for staff members from sectors 1 through 6.
Nutrient 42-5.
For the maximum nutrient value, Axonite must encircle the world within the next 72 hours.
Rita tells me you wouldn't let her attach you to your intravenous nutrient bottles.
It contains traces of a solid nutrient material. a bit like the yolk sac of certain fish. or a. camel's hump.
It contained a liquid nutrient to which Martian soil would be added and any microbes that liked the food would grow in that nutrient medium and cloud it.
The beer is nutrient, but sometimes it can poison you too.
The nutrient solution is on the lid.
It would be very nice if you would hurry a little, because without the nutrient solution, I won't keep very long once opened.
You must dissolve the nutrient solution in 4 liters of luke-warm water, and pour it over me.
You must stir the nutrient solution into the water.
Now you must pour the nutrient solution over me.
Although I do not require sustenance I occasionally ingest semi-organic nutrient suspension in a silicon-based liquid medium.
The photon milk acts as both a nutrient supply and conductor.
The sender didn't know that potassium, a rich trace nutrient - is just under the skin whereas magnesium.
We're feeding the nutrient lines.

News and current affairs

Moreover, pigs and poultry are ideal food-waste processors, and their effluents can serve again as nutrient and energy sources, turning future food chains into interconnected production cycles.
Simply flooding markets with cheap high-calorie, low-nutrient grains will never solve chronic malnutrition.

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