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locomotive English

Meaning locomotive meaning

What does locomotive mean?
Definitions in simple English


The locomotive is the power unit of a train that pulls the coaches or wagons.


of or relating to locomotion (= engine) a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks

Synonyms locomotive synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as locomotive?

Topics locomotive topics

What do people use locomotive to talk about?

Examples locomotive examples

How do I use locomotive in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The locomotive was pulling a long line of freight cars.
The locomotive is at the end of the train.
We were wakened by the whistle of the steam locomotive at dawn.

Movie subtitles

When he wants anything, he has the manners of a locomotive.
There's not a train, or a track, or a locomotive to pull one, sir.
My father has a grocery store on Crane Street, by the locomotive works.
But this isn't like a locomotive or a B-29.
Now he drives a locomotive.
One doesn't need a knowledge of slang to operate a locomotive.
Dear Santa Claus, please bring me a locomotive and a Boy Scout suit.
Better yet, a locomotive colonel or a luggage wagon colonel.
Now, this, for instance, is a steam locomotive.
What did Jones mean with the locomotive?
On the locomotive.
Hurry it up! We're working on a locomotive, not a pocket watch!
We'II also need a locomotive and a man.
Capture the locomotive!
My locomotive.
You're married to a locomotive. See you later, boys.
She just might be the best locomotive on these tracks.
So you're in love with a locomotive.
Headlight of a locomotive?
It was a train. A genuine locomotive coming right at me.
Here we go. Yes, sir, you're part of a locomotive already.
All right, the locomotive.
My heart is broken and she, she treats me like a locomotive.
Today I have a real locomotive.
What's the name of this locomotive?
Bring locomotive.
A locomotive is headed for us, right now!
This very minute I'm mounting you on the very locomotive.
They can change the locomotive but not the caboose!
Are you out of your mind? Lifting such a locomotive in your condition!
It's much nicer to hear the locomotive's whistle from afar.
The locomotive emits a powerful jet of exhaust steam underneath itself, and over that steam, that steam.
Quiet! Why a diesel locomotive in The Zone?
A machine weighing about 75 tons, as massive as a locomotive must move with a precision greater than that of the finest pocket watch.
In this way Humason found a red shift in almost every galaxy he examined like the Doppler shift in the sound of a receding locomotive.
And they have a locomotive.
There's something we'd like in your locomotive.
The man, whose name Dennis Pope, the idea conclude that if the steam is trapped in a large pot. he can activate the machine, even locomotive.
You can have a locomotive?
So you found the locomotive.

News and current affairs

In Germany, the EU's economic locomotive, unemployment is down and business confidence is up.
He rides the Rosinante of the Proletarian Force, falls in love with the dead Rosa Luxemburg in her role as Comrade Dulcinea and has intercourse with a locomotive.
Convincing ordinary American voters that trade liberalization is a positive force will be easier when the US is not the only locomotive pulling world demand forward, and not the world's importer of last resort.
And achieving that goal is more important than ever, because it will be some time before the US can re-assume the role of locomotive for the world economy.
What makes monetary policy tricky at this point is that the German economy-which has been Europe's locomotive during the current cyclical upturn-may be reaching a turning point.
The first locomotive, however, ran out of fuel seven years ago, and there is no clear technology-driven alternative leading sector, like biotechnology, that can inspire similar exuberance, rational or otherwise.
Europe's Franco-German locomotive has broken down and ratification has stopped, even though member states that had yet to ratify the treaty could have completed the process of ratification.
Prospects for Japan acting as a global economic locomotive and of playing a role in poverty reduction and economic development are, for now, almost nil.

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