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juniper English

Meaning juniper meaning

What does juniper mean?


coniferous shrub or small tree with berrylike cones desert shrub of Syria and Arabia having small white flowers; constitutes the juniper of the Old Testament; sometimes placed in genus Genista

Synonyms juniper synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as juniper?

Topics juniper topics

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Examples juniper examples

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Movie subtitles

Juniper wood is quite expensive, so what about Paulowniawood.?
Juniper what?
With an orange and juniper sauce.
You, Juniper, you're perfect where you are. Very square.
Musketeer Juniper, a joy to have on any team, one of the original BEFs.
Where's your tin hat, Juniper?
Musketeer Juniper, where's your finger?
Does it need cleaning, Juniper?
Juniper, put that petrol in the half-track.
Ten dozen semi-wild guinea fowls fed on grain and juniper.
And when he sees a juniper bush in the twilight he runs to see if it isn't a human being, there are so few left.
What about the juniper bushes over there?
They've brought forth juniper berries.
They're juniper bushes! What do you expect!
Or do you prefer juniper cakes?
Maize pies with nuts? Or juniper cakes?
Further along, after the juniper.
They brought forth juniper berries!
Of course they brought forth juniper berries, they're juniper bushes.
Is not the miracle of the juniper bushes enough?
I say, those are my juniper bushes.
You told these people to eat my juniper berries.
You break my bloody foot, you break my vow of silence and then you try and clean up on my juniper bushes! Lay off!
It tastes more, um -- well, rabbity than any rabbit I've ever tasted. That is the juniper berries.
You'll find him at the Juniper Hills.
My name is Juniper.
You are welcome, Juniper.
Juniper, meet your brothers.
Juniper, what are you doing here?
We'll go into the desert, Juniper, to pray.
Veal hocks, a bit of salted, some juniper.and a little scamming.
I crushed some juniper in cold pork fat.
On a secluded islet, the juniper turns red.
Juniper, rowanberry, wild plums.
Of course! They're juniper bushes!

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