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cypress English

Meaning cypress meaning

What does cypress mean?


any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus

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cypress English » English

cedar cypress tree tree cypres Cupressaceae

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Movie subtitles

Cypress beams.
Yeah, we're, uh. We're looking into. To cypress pillars for the dining room.
Each is marked by a cypress or two.
Vincent, you don't know how lucky you are. to have done one painting like that cypress in there. or those sunflowers that your brother showed me.
You'll see a great big cypress over on your left about half a mile.
Bring the boat by that stand of cypress.
One of cypress one of lead, to keep him from the damp and to carry his certificate of death.
A cypress root is hard to cut but it'll last forever.
Skied Cypress Gardens last year.
Yeah. Slight breeze. blowing through some of our cypress trees. that are blending in with a lot of the smaller fir trees in the area.
He doesn't need cypress trees or dead animals!
Well, let me fill you in on the Cypress Beach singles scene.
Because nothing ever happens in Cypress Beach.
Cypress. The whole.
Can you explain, ladies and gentlemen, why I find you here in a cypress swamp, your arms full of contraband goods?
Clear from the cypress wood to the river.
This cypress shooting up into the sky the idyllic countryside, the ducks, the pretty dame?
What's this cypress doing up here?
You can buy imitations of'em at the Big Cypress Reservation.
Thank you for visiting Big Cypress.
Inside are the scattered ruins of 18 hermitages. Each is marked by a cypress or two.
This cypress shooting up into the sky, the pleasantness of the countryside, the ducks, the pretty dame?
I see the whole of the mountainside touched by it. as though the little tall cypress trees. were all the hosts of heaven on the march, in silver armor.
That walk in the garden between the myrtles and the tall cypress-trees.
Two by two they walk between the cypress-trees and the black myrtles, and each has a slave to tend it.
Slight breeze. blowing through some of our cypress trees. that are blending in with a lot of the smaller fir trees in the area.
The other day on our walk, I saw a cypress, the ultimate italian tree.
Cypress or no the Leman's banks are astonishing.
It's Cypress-flagged, but they tracked them coming out of Qais.
About two hours ago, we stopped a Cypress-flagged ship called the Nicosia.
POLLY: Cypress, 2-6-7-2.
Cypress 2-6-7-2.

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