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Jerusalem English

Meaning Jerusalem meaning

What does Jerusalem mean?
Definitions in simple English


Ancient holy city, and the capital city of Israel and Palestine.


capital and largest city of the modern state of Israel (although its status as capital is disputed); it was captured from Jordan in 1967 in the Six Day War; a holy city for Jews and Christians and Muslims; was the capital of an ancient kingdom

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Jerusalem English » English

capital of Israel

Examples Jerusalem examples

How do I use Jerusalem in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It snowed in Jerusalem.
I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.
These are the words of Kohelet, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
Einstein traveled the world lecturing and raising funds for a planned Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Jews, Christians and Muslims agree that Jerusalem is a holy city.
Jerusalem is Israel's capital.
When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
Trump's declaration on Jerusalem shows a total disregard of international law.
God destroyed Jerusalem for breaking the fourth commandment by the Jewish people.
God destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, made with human hands, in order to build a true temple of the spirit.

Movie subtitles

After besieging Jerusalem for months, Saladin gave the order to attack.
The Jerusalem Christians remained at the mercy of the victor.
Saladino, Savior of the faith, take Jerusalem into our domain.
We guarantee to the Christian Patriarch of Jerusalem the right to deliver justice hereinafter on Christians remaining in the city, according to civil and canonical law.
In Jerusalem, Islam triumphed.
You rule here in Jerusalem.
I give to God that the gates of Jerusalem may be opened and the tomb of our Lord set free by this Crusade.
Would England and France when the Crusade is won make me King of Jerusalem?
You will surrender Acre, and then Jerusalem.
With this sword, I'll cut my way into Jerusalem.
Within a month, I shall enter Jerusalem.
By Allah you shall never pass the gates of Jerusalem.
I don't care who leads if it be through Acre toward Jerusalem.
You must stand together until we win Jerusalem.
He was born in Jerusalem!
Jumping Jerusalem!
What do you know of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem later known as the Knights of Rhodes?
I will return to Jerusalem in the morning.
God looks with favor on you to bring the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem.
Even now the caravan approaches Jerusalem.
He will be here in Jerusalem one night perhaps two.
But if you desire to remain in Jerusalem longer.
Perhaps you will consider this foolish but when Joab told me I was to come to Jerusalem I swore an oath on my sword.
At Antioch, they said he'd gone on to Jerusalem.
He comes from Jerusalem.
Richard should've stayed at home and kept England and left Jerusalem to be lost by knights like you who lost it anyway.
Your great, great, great, great, great-grandfather. Your great, great, great, great, great-grandfather. Raymond, the fourth Comte de Toulouse, led the Christian knights to Jerusalem. and rescued the sacred tomb from the wicked Turks.
Raymond, the fourth Comte de Toulouse, led the Christian knights to Jerusalem. and rescued the sacred tomb from the wicked Turks.
Old, he was, and scarred like Jerusalem's hills.
Converging ways of many of them led to their capital city, Jerusalem the troubled heart of their land.
We should arrive in Jerusalem tomorrow night.
Jerusalem was my home.
I've seen the world since I left Jerusalem.
Jerusalem's welcome will not be a warm one.
I'm on my way to Jerusalem.
At Jerusalem, they'll race the world's finest teams and the champion of the East, Messala, with his black devils.
He is going to Jerusalem.
I will arrange a safe journey for you. to the city of your Christ, Jerusalem.
And it will be further behind your right when you go for Jerusalem.
Am I going for Jerusalem?

News and current affairs

And, over time, Israeli settler disengagement from the West Bank and East Jerusalem has become just as impossible as any attempt by Israel to expel its remaining Arabs.
PRINCETON - Imagine a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine in which Palestinians would have the right of return; Israelis could settle wherever they could purchase land in the West Bank; and Jerusalem need not be divided.
Having been the mayor of Jerusalem for 10 years, you know the situation of Palestinians close up.
JERUSALEM: The European Union has failed once again.
JERUSALEM - The resumption of peace talks between Israel and Syria after eight years of saber-rattling is not a diversion from the political troubles of Israel's lame-duck prime minister.
For them, Israel's pre-1967 borders, the entire city of Jerusalem, and the West Bank of the Jordan River is land given to the Jewish people by God.
But Palestinian militias have shown time and again that they will not give up the armed struggle before they see a Palestinian state along the lines of the 1967 borders, with Arab Jerusalem as its capital.
Hamas's forceful response to Israel's military operation in Gaza in November, which included landing rockets near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, demonstrated its commitment to its core value of steadfastness.
Israel's announcement after the UN vote of new settlements around Jerusalem weakened his standing further.
Indeed, Hamas's leaders have expressed support for the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Not only are key issues such as Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees insoluble without an all-Arab consensus, but any country that is left out of the peace process is bound to persist in its role as a revolutionary power bent on regional destabilization.
What about the Stern gang's blowing up of Jerusalem's King David Hotel in order to liberate Palestine from the British?
Can he make sufficient concessions on borders and Jerusalem?
It responded with massive shelling of southern Israel, and managed to send several missiles toward Tel Aviv and one toward Jerusalem.
Israeli Jews are bound to stay in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Israeli Arabs are bound to stay in Israel proper.
JERUSALEM - In my nearly nine decades of life, I cannot recall a time in which the past was so irrelevant to policymaking.
Blind in Gaza, blind in Jerusalem.
Some system of joint or international sovereignty over Jerusalem's holy places and the division of the city so that it can become the capital of two states.
How fast America's new president addresses the Arab-Israeli conflict will be of paramount concern to Europeans in this effort. For to them, Jerusalem has always mattered more than Baghdad, but George W. Bush refused to listen.
At the very least, we could set out our own policy, beginning with an effort to end the fragmentation of Palestine and Palestinians between the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
They are internally divided between Fatah and Hamas, under Israeli occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, isolated from the outside world in Gaza, hopeless in the region's refugee camps, and rebuffed by their Arab neighbors.

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