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imprint English

Meaning imprint meaning

What does imprint mean?
Definitions in simple English


An imprint is a mark left behind by pressing something onto a soft substance. The day left an imprint in my mind. An imprint is a marking or logo. The shirts bore the company imprint on the right sleeve.


If you imprint something, you leave a mark on something. For a fee, they can imprint the envelopes with a monogram.


establish or impress firmly in the mind We imprint our ideas onto our children a distinctive influence English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion an impression produced by pressure or printing an identification of a publisher; a publisher's name along with the date and address and edition that is printed at the bottom of the title page the book was published under a distinguished imprint a device produced by pressure on a surface (= impress) mark or stamp with or as if with pressure To make a batik, you impress a design with wax (= impression) a concavity in a surface produced by pressing he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud

Synonyms imprint synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as imprint?

Conjugation imprint conjugation

How do you conjugate imprint?

imprint · verb

Examples imprint examples

How do I use imprint in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

It's enormous. - The imprint of a foot.
Everything that ever walked or crawled on the face of the earth. swum the depths of the ocean. soared through the sky has left its imprint here.
You see the imprint?
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
The imprint. of what they'd scribbled on the page above.
What about this comb then, with the makers imprint on it in the same language?
That stirrup leaves an imprint.
And down there, the imprint of the ladder in the flower bed. and the size 28 boots, or whatever the hell it was he was wearing.
The butchery bears his imprint.
There's nothing more useless than a lock with a voice imprint.
But without the physical imprint of bonding, I cannot remain among you.
The Korean is the most perfect creature. ever to sanctify the earth with the imprint of his foot.
A man lives his life without leaving some imprint.
Blond hair, strong, size 12 shoe imprint.
From small groups of fanatic sectarians to the huge convents followed by the masses, they all leave their imprint on the ancient cultural land.
But, wherever you watch it, i think it will leave its imprint.
See, Paula, that's the trouble with these imprint studies. You may want to quit, but the subject has other ideas.
The imprint reaction.
Oh, the imprint reaction?
You know, maybe we've come upon a new syndrome the latent or substitute mother imprint.
Been doing a little imprint research on our own.
Imprint reaction.
Here's the imprint of the living room key.
And the stickpin. You're wearing new major insignia, but the old insignia imprint is still visible under there.
I made a memory imprint.
But its imprint has not faded in the library of this brain.
Chancellor, can bonding occur without the full imprint of a so-called bioscan?
I only left my imprint on the soul that helped me.
Imprint on their psyche.
The laser will imprint your registration number on your brain tissue.
They imprint on the first creature they come in contact with.
It's this imprint here.
Please provide a dermal imprint for FCA records.
Place your imprint on the legal waivers and deposit your admission fee in the box by the door.
Then imprint this and take off those clothes.

News and current affairs

Nationalist and leftist political discourses did leave an imprint on the Iraqi value system, but they are not its sole components.
We could see it in Scandinavia, and in scattered pockets elsewhere, but the strong imprint of improved computer and communications technologies on the growth rates of output and productivity economy-wide seemed to be missing.
But the most lasting imprint they could leave is to give the International Monetary Fund a broader mandate after this crisis is over.
So far, Putin has compromised with the oligarchic force, which has reduced his personal imprint on policies.
We will now see how Hu uses that framework - and thus what imprint he leaves on the bilateral relationship - in meeting the current challenges.
Hesitant to leave a large imprint in their wake, some ministries have no budgets, and ministers are reluctant to sign deals with foreign firms.
For example, pre-modern Europe believed that a woman who had sex before marriage might carry the imprint of her lover within her, so that her child born in wedlock would resemble the earlier lover, rather than the husband.
So far, Putin has compromised with the oligarchic force, which has reduced his personal imprint on policies. It is too powerful and skillful to be challenged head-on.
ANKARA - Turkey put its imprint as one of the most influential countries not only on 2010, but on the first decade of the third millennium.
But imperial fatigue after Iraq and Afghanistan has left its imprint.

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