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glimmer English

Meaning glimmer meaning

What does glimmer mean?


(= gleam) a flash of light (especially reflected light) (= gleam) shine brightly, like a star or a light (= inkling) a slight suggestion or vague understanding he had no inkling what was about to happen

Synonyms glimmer synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as glimmer?

Topics glimmer topics

What do people use glimmer to talk about?

Conjugation glimmer conjugation

How do you conjugate glimmer?

glimmer · verb

Examples glimmer examples

How do I use glimmer in a sentence?

Simple sentences

There was still a glimmer of hope left.
There was still a glimmer of hope that everything would be alright.
The boy's expression showed his disappointment, but even so he looked up at our faces with a glimmer of hope.

Movie subtitles

Not a glimmer.
Is it all over for me, or is there a glimmer of hope?
Finally, a glimmer of hope.
Not the least glimmer inside to spoil the fun.
After he's no more here. Mistress Evans will see that I was right about this place. and then she may get a wee glimmer. that I can be right about some other things.
Watching all through the night for the first glimmer of light in the sky.
We get a flicker here and a glimmer there.
You wouldn't have a glimmer of astrophysics, would you?
A glimmer.
If that was for Havelock's murder, there is still a glimmer of hope.
Tell your daughter. so innocent and beautiful. that a victim of misfortune. has renounced. for her sake. her one glimmer of hope. before dying!
If I saw one glimmer of hope, I'd go today.
Well you can imagine my surprise when I saw a glimmer of light coming from the open door.
The eyes have the glimmer of human intelligence.
As I was leaving your house, I- I saw a glimmer of light on the pathway leading up to the cliff. so I went to investigate.
Just a glimmer, like everyone else.
Each has a glimmer that glows and fades.
His little glimmer.
When the shadows of the past flee again into eternity, a glimmer of happy blessedness remains back in my heart.
I'm not sure, but daylight's beginning to glimmer.
First port done, not a glimmer of a husband in sight.
Sorry, not even a glimmer.
Look into their eyes, try to detect the faintest glimmer, the least whiff of a political ideal or thought!
You've cleared nothing yet, and if you'd a glimmer of sense you'd see it.
In the feeble glimmer of the castle-yard lamps. it was impossible to discern their faces.
I got 16 years of good humping. Not once did I get a glimmer, let alone a fucking glow.
Glimmer in the eyes.
Easier said than done. Not a glimmer.
Allow them to see a glimmer of enlightenment. as the offender realises that the end is near.
Wake up, Glimmer Twins.
This afternoon, I did get a slight glimmer of.something.
That leaves me a glimmer!
I have been left out before, but this time there wasn't a glimmer in my soul.
There's a glimmer of hope for you after all.

News and current affairs

From this standpoint, this year's World Cup has not only witnessed the triumph of European nations - all semi-finalists were European for the first time since 1982 - but also the absence of even a glimmer of European emotions.
There was a brief glimmer of hope in 2009, when the sense of paralysis led the Conference to consensus on a program of work.
So, the good news of the last decade is just a glimmer of hope.
But there is one glimmer of hope.
By sheer force of conviction and personality, such figures, many of us believe, can carry the day, bringing a glimmer of hope to an otherwise detached and impersonal universe.
Asia's economies also paid attention to their budgets at a time when huge bailouts made it imperative to demonstrate a glimmer of fiscal conservatism.
But the Saudi establishment's serious response to the May 2003 attack on a civilian compound in Riyadh at least gives a glimmer of hope that the al-Saud may see reform as their only hope of survival.
A glimmer of hope is Europe's willingness to use the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) imaginatively - as equity or first-loss cover.
But amid the gloom, there is, perhaps, a glimmer of hope.

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