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federalist English

Meaning federalist meaning

What does federalist mean?


an advocate of federalism


a member of a former political party in the United States that favored a strong centralized federal government

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Movie subtitles

Sure, you fool, they used the melted sabers of Federalist Cossacks.
Do you see yourself as a federalist?
Well, you know, federalist is as federalist does.
All right then, off you go and last one to the summit's a euro-federalist.
But what was not widely known was that Starr was a member of a right-wing group of lawyers called the Federalist Society that had financial and ideological links to the neoconservatives.
We swore allegiance to Mexico under the Federalist Constitution of 1824.
I was precinct captain for the Federalist Party in Delphi for five years.
Who wrote the Federalist Papers?
Mr. Hamilton takes equal pains to ensure that the Federalist Papers are filled with scurrilous attacks on Thomas Jefferson and his party.
Should your successor not be chosen before the scheduled inauguration, the laurels will fall to the President Pro Tem of the Senate. As he is a Federalist, our party will maintain control.
If the Federalist conspirators are allowed to defeat this election. there will be resistance by force, and the consequences could be incalculable.
The Federalist Papers.
I thought most of the federalist Papers were written by James Madison.
We can't repeat what happened with the bogus Federalist Papers.
This house was built in 1850 in the Federalist style, as I'm sure you noticed.

News and current affairs

Is Blair a federalist, then?
Despite occasional invitations to consult, they are de-facto excluded from participating in decisions about the EU's future structure, federalist or not.
Perhaps, given the global nature of the problems we now face, this is an argument for a federalist world, rather than one divided into sovereign nation-states.
And he and his Federalist colleagues, including John Adams, believed strongly in providing infant industries with room to grow - even using money from the Department of War to fund experiments in high-tech industry.
The Sunnis would probably accept the federalist provisions if they applied only to the Kurds.
In Europe's case, a constitutional framework will require an even more federalist structure than that established in America.
Therefore, while monetary and, in part, political unification is progressing on the European level, regionalism, federalist, and separatist impulses survive and prosper.
BRUSSELS: Joschka Fischer, Germany's foreign minister, set the cat among the pigeons when he laid out his vision of a federalist European Union.
For another, it quickly emerged that his federalist vision was not shared by the French government.
Joschka Fischer set out his federalist vision because he believes that some form of federalism will be necessary if the European Union is to continue to function after enlargement to embrace the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
But the bottom line is that constitutional changes can only be carried by unanimous agreement, and several member governments, starting with the UK, would resist any overtly federalist agenda.
It is time for the Sunni world to recognize the need for a federalist approach to manage the instability and conflict that plagues it.
Alexander Hamilton, the renowned author of many of the Federalist Papers that set out the rationale for adopting the US Constitution, had no doubt about the relative weight of the three great powers of state.
In fact, the current escalation points to an increasing political struggle between the federalist position of Shia Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki and the centralist position of Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr.
MADRID - Before his appointment as EU Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker was pilloried as an old-school federalist who would do little to alter the status quo.
In the past, small member states used to gravitate towards federalist positions, because they calculated that they needed strong central institutions to contain the power of the large member states (especially France).
But we should not overlook the fact that the Convention has slipped in quite a number of proposals which are inherently federalist.
My mother, a young Belgian in the 1950s, remembers the idealism and the excitement of the European federalist movement, with its promise that her generation could create a different future for Europe and the world.
The only way to sustain such a new political order, James Madison argued in The Federalist Papers, was to ensure that federal powers were few and limited.
Then, once the European project is halfway over the cliff, the federalist moment might arrive.

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