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commandment English

Meaning commandment meaning

What does commandment mean?
Definitions in simple English


A rule or law that is commanded, often by a god. The fifth commandment in the Ten Commandments is to honor your father and mother.


something that is commanded (= teaching, precept) a doctrine that is taught the teachings of religion he believed all the Christian precepts

Synonyms commandment synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as commandment?

Topics commandment topics

What do people use commandment to talk about?

Examples commandment examples

How do I use commandment in a sentence?

Simple sentences

If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been.
God destroyed Jerusalem for breaking the fourth commandment by the Jewish people.
King Hezekiah broke into pieces the brazen serpent, because the sons of Israel made an idol out of it, thereby violating the second commandment.

Movie subtitles

Perhaps that particular commandment isn't respected up here.
Have you forgotten our First Commandment?
You have brought a child into the world against the commandment.
And thy commandment all alone shall live within the book and volume of my brain, unmixed with baser matter!
If you make me a wholesome answer, I will do your mother's commandment.
What is the Sixth Commandment?
If you persist in your attitude, if give way to that commandment.
That is the Lord's commandment.
That's the most important commandment, don't you know?
Master, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
And what commandment is first of all?
There is no greater commandment than these.
And my voice is your commandment!
The 6th commandment?
No, in those days, I never had any trouble with the Sixth Commandment.
My husband tells me you wouldn't fight because of a rule,...a commandment, issued by your god.
I didn't say they weren't desired. I only said there's a commandment against it.
A commandment against everything.
Well, there's no commandment that says a woman can't talk like a fool.
I meant to break the ninth commandment.
The ten commandments, that ten commandment!
The Court-Martial of the soldiers commandment found the sub-lieutenant Ian Svoboda as being guilty of desertion crime and espionage crime stated in Paragraph no.341 from the military justice code.
I have something to do at the commandment.
Can't you see that you are waking up all the commandment?
Mr general commanded you to go immediately at the Commandment.
The sixth commandment I'll explain later.
What is the fifth commandment?
The commandment must be fulfilled.
She fell into immoral ways, and sinned against the sixth commandment.
Tell me now the Shaolin Commandment Number 13.
Think about the charity commandment!
Every commandment broken, every day!

News and current affairs

This target has become a veritable commandment of campaigners since the EU embraced it in 1996.
The central tenet they attribute to Smith - that good incentives, regardless of culture, produce good results - has become the great commandment of economics.

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