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assured English
Meaning assured meaning
What does assured mean?
Definitions in simple English
Synonyms assured synonyms
What other words have the same or similar meaning as assured?
assured English » English
Topics assured topics
What do people use assured to talk about?
What words describe someone who feels confident?
What words indicate that something will certainly happen?
What words indicate that something is certainly not true?absolute assurance assured can certain certainly certitude clear decided decisive definite doubtless established fixed guaranteed incalculable incontestable incontrovertible indisputable indubitable ineluctable inevitable infallible inescapable inevitable irrefragable irrefutable positive really set settled single-minded sure sureness trustworthy unarguable unavoidable undeniable unequivocal unmistakable unquestionable
What words describe someone who is brave?
What do people say when they don't want someone to worry?
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