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Abbas English
Meaning Abbas meaning
What does Abbas mean?
Examples Abbas examples
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Movie subtitles
You're all right, Abbas.
And how can Abbas work now?
An armed steamer called the Abbas. passed through Metemmah downstream a month ago. and is since unreported.
Hello Abbas!
To sell it on a crown to an oil Sheikh Abbas.
Abbas loves to collect rare things.
Captain Abbas did not sleep at all last night, As he and his crew picked their way Through the crowded waters outside Suez.
In the south-west to Bandar Abbas, then across the Gulf by boat to Oman.
We will fly you to Bandar Abbas and then take you by speedboat across the Gulf.
I am Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan, Ibn Al Abbas, Ibn Rasid, Ibn Hammad.
I am Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan, Ibn Al Abbas, Ibn Rasid.
Why? Brother Abbas can make Munna disappear into thin air.
Who is this Abbas guy? He came from Dubai to get his hernia operated from me.
Compton Abbas Airfield in Dorset.
Brother abbas.
Mm-mm-- Samir and Abbas.
And this is Abbas-- and I call him Boss.
Excuse me! What about my friend, Mr. Abbas Mohtari?
Ali Abbas Mukhtar.
It was part of a shipment that entered Iran two years ago through Bandar Abbas.
How are you, Mr. Abbas?
So what gives us the honor of seeing you, Mr. Abbas?
Mr. Abbas, what am I supposed to do with a pig?
Fatima Ali, first wife of Abbas Ali.
Her husband Abbas-- he's got a meeting tomorrow morning on Hamra Street with Abu Nazir.
Her husband Abbas, the Hezbollah commander-- she says he'll be meeting in person with Abu Nazir.
That's Abbas, the informant's husband.
He's right, go to Abbas's place!
Why are you sitting there Abbas?
That's Saffar's son, and this is Abbas.
Abbas, tie him.
Ibn Al Abbas, Ibn Rasid, Ibn Hammad. And things were not always thus.
There's Abbas, the paintings seller, Madji, the antiques seller. and Youssef, who sells old teapots.
Hello, Abbas.
By Abbas Bin Ali Bin Ali Talib!
Abbas will you take me to school with you?
Abbas, you'll be late for school.
Abbas wait for me.
News and current affairs
Abbas is now setting his sights on Europe, and would ask Turkey to serve as a go-between.
Fatah, and Palestinian moderates like President Mahmoud Abbas, have been totally discredited.
The US and Israel seek to deal only with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas.
In a February summit in Mecca between Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, the Saudi government worked out an agreement between Hamas and Fatah, which have been clashing violently, to form a national unity government.
Today, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is gasping for political air under the smothering control of Hamas.
Nonetheless, recent events, together with the PA's dwindling resources, have diminished Abbas's credibility among Palestinians, who increasingly view him as desperate.
Indeed, Abbas's time is running out.
This gradual shift, combined with Hamas's endorsement of Abbas's diplomatic approach in the UN, suggests that Hamas now believes that a military victory over Israel is not possible.
Hamas will control the cabinet and prime minister's office, but Mahmoud Abbas retains all authority and power exercised by Yasir Arafat.
The Syria-Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah axis would be emboldened in its challenge to American leadership in the region, and, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas humbled and defeated, a third Intifada would be a likely scenario.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are very weak domestically, and, given the compromises needed on both sides, they will be risking a lot.
The parallel weakness of Olmert and Abbas has produced a parallel interest in a peace settlement.
Indeed, both men hope for political survival through a peace agreement: Olmert by means of new elections and Abbas by a referendum through which he can regain ascendancy over Hamas.
Similar doubts apply to Abbas.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that, if the latest peace talks collapse, he will press for UN recognition of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.
In this, Khamenei was following the lead of the late Shah, who kept Amir Abbas Hoveyda, a loyal retainer, as prime minister from 1965 until the Shah was overthrown in 1979.
His successor, Ehud Olmert, began negotiating a final-status agreement with the Palestinian Authority's president, Mahmoud Abbas.
Of the 18 elected members (Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas will appoint four more later), no more than two (Nabil Shaath and Muhammad Shtayyeh) are really moderate.
At least four (Muhammad al-Ghuneim, Salim al-Zanoun, Abbas Zaki, and Nasser Kidra) are hardliners, and most of the rest follow pretty much the traditional Fatah line.
Yet, while almost all the old members of the committee were not reelected, at least 15 of the 22 members will be old-style leaders (presuming Abbas will appoint such people to the four seats that he controls).
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has a good record of questioning the wisdom of the intifada that has taken too many lives and caused only misery and destruction on all sides of this enduring conflict.
Why should this conflict, which has proven to be unsolvable in the past, be suddenly solved (or brought closer to a solution) by three actors - Bush, Olmert, and Abbas - who are all in a state of profound domestic weakness?