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zdrhnout Czech

Meaning zdrhnout meaning

What does zdrhnout mean in Czech?


utáhnout, stáhnout beat it, sheer off, cut away, hit the road, cut one's lucky expr., hovor. utéci

Translation zdrhnout translation

How do I translate zdrhnout from Czech into English?

zdrhnout Czech » English


Synonyms zdrhnout synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as zdrhnout?

zdrhnout Czech » Czech

zmizet vypařit se upláchnout

Conjugation zdrhnout conjugation

How do you conjugate zdrhnout in Czech?

zdrhnout · verb

Examples zdrhnout examples

How do I use zdrhnout in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Musíme zkusit zdrhnout.
Let's take a chance and run for it.
Nenechám je jen tak zdrhnout.
They can't get away with that hit-and-run stuff.
Poslouchej zlato, musíš zdrhnout.
Listen, Sugie, you gotta take it on the lam.
Jako kdybysme mu snad mohli zdrhnout.
Do they have to keep passing up and down here all the time?
Měl jsem bejt chytrej a zdrhnout jako voni.
I should have been smart and run like the other kids.
Pokusím se zdrhnout.
I make a break for it.
Chceš nám zdrhnout?
Think you can give us the slip?
Ty srabe! Podělal ses. Chtěl jsi zdrhnout!
You low-down rat!
Nadělal jsi problémy a chceš zdrhnout.
You get in trouble and you run.
Chceme zdrhnout.
We're going to escape.
Teď ode chceš zdrhnout?
You want to run now?
V noci, bude starej spát, neměl bys chuť ho zabít a pak někam zdrhnout s jeho prachama?
During the night, while the old man is sleeping, haven't you ever wanted to knock him out and leave with his money?
Tak vida, chcete zdrhnout.
You are dumping me.
Jenom abys moh sám zdrhnout!
So you could run.

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