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zavadit Czech

Translation zavadit translation

How do I translate zavadit from Czech into English?

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Conjugation zavadit conjugation

How do you conjugate zavadit in Czech?

zavadit · verb

Examples zavadit examples

How do I use zavadit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Museli jsme o něj zavadit.
We must have picked up a spur.
Nemůže zavadit o práci, zmlátil producenta, co se mu vyspal s milenkou.
He can't get work, because he hit a producer over his fiancee. He messed him up pretty bad.
Jen jsem zakopl ve dveřích, musel jsem o něco zavadit, pane.
Just tripped in the doorway, sir. Must have caught it on something.
Zavadit o to, že ponorková základna se vylidňuje v 6:00.
Touches like the submarine base emptying out at 5:00.
A když jsme si přáli dobrou noc, si Stuart dovolil zavadit pohledem na jemnou křivku Alexiny šíje.
And as we said good night, Stuart allowed his gaze to linger. on the gently sloping nape of Alex's neck.
Musel jsem zavadit o spínač.
I must've grazed the switch.
Musel jsem zavadit o komunikační podprogramy.
I must have tripped a communications subroutine.
Musela jsi náhodou zavadit o ovládání prostředí.
You must have accidentally tripped the environmental controls.
Dokud je tu, nikdo se neodváží o trůn ani okem zavadit.
With her around no one will dare eye the throne.
Oxidace. Dennis musel o ten lak zavadit pár vteřin poté, co ho Barry na jeho skříňku nanesl a tak zanechal otisk.
Oxidation Dennis had to nave swiped the paint within seconds of Barry putting it on his locker for his print to take.
Nevěděl jsem, že stačí zavadit o smrt, aby vylezla na povrch tvoje měkčí část.
I didn't know it would only take a brush with death to see your softer side.
Kdo jinej by o vás mohl zavadit?
Who else would have either of you?
Zavadit o strom by bylo smrtící.
Clipping any tree will be fatal.
Musel jsem jím o něco zavadit.
I must have got it caught on something.

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