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vousy Czech

Translation vousy translation

How do I translate vousy from Czech into English?

vousy Czech » English

beard whiskers pogonotrophy face fungus

Synonyms vousy synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as vousy?

vousy Czech » Czech

bradka vous srst plnovous ochlupení kníry

Examples vousy examples

How do I use vousy in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Proč sis oholil vousy?
Why did you shave off your beard?

Movie subtitles

Takže, jak vidíte, bílá paruka, bílé vousy, brýle, rukavice.
So, as you can see, white wig, white beard, spectacles, gloves.
Ten tvůj tvrdej přístup, vousy, bandana.
With your dark attitude, the wild beard, the bandana.
Eliso, kde mám své vousy?
Elise, where is my beard?
A bude mít vousy.
And it's going to have a beard.
Měl červené vousy a No, byl trochu slepý.
He had red whiskers and, well, he was a little blind.
Co mi dáte, když vám podpálím vousy?
What will you give me to set fire to your beard?
Ta malá věc vousy.
Qaui someone has a mustache.
Když mám vousy, nemohu usnout.
My whiskers keep me awake.
je budeme předjíždět, zatahám ho za vousy.
I'll take a reach for his beard as we pass by.
Za chvíli ti začnou růst vousy, tak jsem si říkal, že bys. mohl začít s tímhle.
You'll begin to grow whiskers right soon, and I thought maybe this might be. a good thing for you to start in with.
Ano, jestli ji příště bude bít, ustřihnu mu vousy.
Yes, if he beats you again, I'll cut his beard off!
Měli vousy a sníh na botách.
They had beards, and snow on their boots.
Chcete si ostříhat pejzy, oholit vousy a změnit Vaše šatstvo?
You want to cut your beard and side curls and change your clothing.
Takový velký, vousy.
A big man, with a beard.

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