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vid Czech

Meaning vid meaning

What does vid mean in Czech?


aspect mluvnická kategorie sloves, postihující vztah k plynutí času  Česká slovesa dělíme podle vidu na dokonavá a nedokonavá.

Translation vid translation

How do I translate vid from Czech into English?

vid Czech » English


Synonyms vid synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as vid?

vid Czech » Czech


Inflection vid inflection

How do you inflect vid in Czech?

vid · noun


Examples vid examples

How do I use vid in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Tys nikdy nevidel, jak si vítr pohrává s trávou na prérii, vid?
You've never seen prairie grass with the wind leaning on it, have you?
Žádný jiný jméno se ti urcite tak nelíbí, vid?
You don't know any name offhand you like better?
Ani treba Susan, vid?
Nothing like Susan or any of that?
Vid, Horatio?
Aren't you, Horatio?
Ty se zlobíš, vid?
You're sore, aren't you?
Nechovala jsem se hezky, vid?
I didn't behave very well, did I?
bylo načase, vid?
This is about the time for it, isn't it?
Ty se zlobíš, vid?
You are sore, aren't you?
Ty si myslíš, že jsem ti lhala, vid?
You think I lied to you about this, don't you?
Tys tu práci vzal, vid?
You took that job, didn't you?
Chceš, abych odjela, vid?
You want me to go, don't you? - Yes, I want you to go.
Nezlobíš se, vid?
You're not sore, are you?
Úplně jsme se u toho vyčerpali, vid?
We pumped on him until we was all wore out, didn't we?
Ano, když ho to baví, a nás to baví, vid?
He does if he likes it, and we do, don't we?

vid English

Translation vid in Czech

How do you say vid in Czech?

vid English » Czech
