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vemeno Czech

Meaning vemeno meaning

What does vemeno mean in Czech?


udder orgán tvořený mléčnými žlázami u samic přežvýkavců

Translation vemeno translation

How do I translate vemeno from Czech into English?

vemeno Czech » English

udder teat dug udders mammary glands mamma breasts bag

Synonyms vemeno synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as vemeno?

vemeno Czech » Czech

ňadra bradavky výmě prsní žláza prsa

Examples vemeno examples

How do I use vemeno in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Plné vemeno a nikdo ji nechce podojit.
Full udder and nobody to milk her.
Ale ta vaše kráva nemá moc pěkné vemeno. - Cože?
Your cow's udder looks strange.
dobrý vemeno!
What? My cow's udder?
Ty vemeno!
I'll tell you what's wrong with you.
Asi si nechtějí namočit vemeno.
I don't think they want to get their bags wet.
Ne, policejní káru! Ty vemeno z vola.
No, a police car, you terminal wally!
Nech toho ty vemeno!
Cut it out, you mongrel!
Není to vemeno trochu malé?
Hergot, mojí rukou, ty vemeno!
Goddamn it, with my hand, numb-nuts!
A neprovokuj, vemeno zasraný!
Stop talking!
Blond muslimská dívka se probudil za krávu a podíval se na vemeno a řekl: Srbové, jsi pořád tady.
The blond Muslim girl woke up under a cow and looked at the udder and said, Serbs, you're still here.
Tys střelil, ty vemeno!
You shot me, you A-hole.
Jak jste věděl, že to tlustý vemeno Gelmana sežral eskalátor?
How is it that you didn't know that this fat fuck Gelman got eaten by an escalator?
Tak poslouchej, vemeno.
Listen, fuckhead.

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