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traktor Czech

Meaning traktor meaning

What does traktor mean in Czech?


tractor tažné motorové vozidlo (zemědělské, dřevařské, vojenské…) ob. dieselová lokomotiva

Translation traktor translation

How do I translate traktor from Czech into English?

traktor Czech » English

tractor cat agrimotor

Synonyms traktor synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as traktor?

traktor Czech » Czech


Inflection traktor inflection

How do you inflect traktor in Czech?

traktor · noun


Examples traktor examples

How do I use traktor in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Proč traktor?
Why a tractor?
Jakmile budou režijní náklady zmíněné výše zaplaceny, bude traktor doručen do družstva.
Once overhead as above mentioned has been paid, the tractor will be delivered to the cooperative.
Ztratili jsme spoustu času, když jsme se pokoušeli splatit náklady na traktor.
We've lost plenty of time in trying to pay back the expenses for the tractor.
Příkaz na traktor!
The order for the tractor!
Máme traktor!
We have a tractor!
A každej traktor. vyhnal deset patnáct rodin z jejich domovů.
And for every one of 'em, there was ten, 15 families thrown right out of their homes.
Tahle země přijde pod traktor.
This here land's going under the tractor.
Koupím vám traktor.
I'll buy you a tractor.
Šest pytlů osiva a půjčím svůj traktor.
Six bags of assorted seed and the loan of my tractor.
Traktor uvízl v příkopu.
The tractor's off the road. It's in the ditch.
I ten starý traktor?
Including that old tractor?
To je traktor.
Don't be scared. It's a tractor.
Got a tractor?
Ano, vyzvednout traktor.
Yes, I'm picking up my tractor.

News and current affairs

Stroje, uvedl, nahradí zřejmě lidskou práci, stejně jako koně nahradil traktor.
Machines, he said, are likely to replace human labor much in the same way that the tractor replaced the horse.

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