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tetička Czech

Meaning tetička meaning

What does tetička mean in Czech?


zdrob. teta ob. homosexuál

Translation tetička translation

How do I translate tetička from Czech into English?

tetička Czech » English

auntie aunty theta tatee naunt maternal aunt aunt

Synonyms tetička synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as tetička?

tetička Czech » Czech

tetka teta

Inflection tetička inflection

How do you inflect tetička in Czech?

tetička · noun


Examples tetička examples

How do I use tetička in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Není tu tetička Minnie?
Is my Aunt Minnie in here?
Je tetička doma?
Is auntie in? - Oh, yes, miss.
Představ si, že sem přijede tetička Elizabeth a srazí se s leopardem.
Imagine Aunt Elizabeth coming here and running smack into a leopard.
Jako tetička Pitty.
I've grown as big as Aunt Pitty.
Ano, ale počkej, jak se na to všechno bude dívat tetička.
Yes, but wait and see how this whole story is going to sound to Auntie.
Tetička je v nemocnici?
Your aunt in the hospital?
Co tedy píše tetička Sofie?
What did write aunt Sofia?
Tak, co píše tetička Sofie?
Well, what did write aunt Sofia?
Nejdůležitější je, že. tetička Sofie si přeje tuhle svatbu.
The most important is that. aunt Sofia wants this marriage.
A zrovna přijíždí tetička Sofie!
Aunt Sofia is coming!
Víš, co řekla tetička Sofie?
Do you know what aunt Sofia said? -What?
Takže tetička Sofie také pozvala.
For this reason aunt Sofia invited you.
Tetička Sofie by se velmi urazila, kdybys pozvání odmítla.
Aunt Sofia shall be offended, ifyou wouldn't accept. -Yes!
Tetička Sofie říkala.
Aunt Sofia said. -What?

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