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Examples studio engineer examples

How do I use studio engineer in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Ale to studio zavřeli.
The studio's closed now.
Nikdy jsem se s nesetkala, ale své studio ve staré uměleckém centru.
I've never met her, but she has a studio in the old art center.
Jestli mi dáš peníze na studio, budu mít kde bydlet a ty tam budeš moci malovat.
If you put up the money for a studio apartment, then I'd have a place to live, and you could paint there. Don't you see?
Pouhých pár mil od Hollywoodu stojí největší studio na světě, domov společnosti Warner Bros. pictures.
Just a few miles from Hollywood is the largest studio in the world the home of Warner Bros. pictures.
Přece ve studio nechtěj nechat Carsona točit vlastní film?
Say, the studio isn't really serious about letting Carson direct a picture?.
Studio na tom ztratí peníze, zbalí krám, zkrachuje.
Studio will lose money, they'll close up shop, shut down.
Měl byste vyrazit na dovolenou a na chvíli zapomenout na to bláznivé studio.
You ought to get away on a vacation and forget about the studio for a while.
Oh, jo, to studio.
Oh, yeah, the studio, huh?.
Hotové studio!
A ready-made studio!
Lina si říká, co chce ale studio je vaše.
The owner of the Coconut Grove may do what Lina tells him. -.but you're the head of this studio. -Yes, I am.
Prázdné studio?
Why, it's just an empty stage.
Studio odpovídá za každé slovo, které se o mně zveřejní.
The studio is responsible for every word printed about me.
Můžu vysoudit celé studio.
I could sue you for the whole studio.
Pořád jsem pro studio důležitější než ona.
I'm still more important to the studio than she is.

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