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Stalker Czech

Translation Stalker translation

How do I translate Stalker from Czech into English?

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Translation Stalker in Czech

How do you say Stalker in Czech?

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stopař pronásledovatel

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Examples Stalker in Czech examples

How do I translate Stalker into Czech?

Simple sentences

Sami will testify against his stalker.
Sami bude svědčit proti svému pronásledovateli.

Movie subtitles

It's like he's a stalker.
Je to, jako by pronásledoval.
No one likes a stalker.
Nikdo to nemá rád.
I mean, you invented a stalker.
Vymyslel sis stalkera.
Last night she even saw that mysterious stalker at the window.
Jistě, doktore, pojďte dál.
Your stalker is getting closer.
Jako by se anonym přibližoval.
Are you really a stalker?
Tak vy jste opravdu stalker?
He's a stalker.
Je to stalker.
You see, being a stalker is some sort of calling.
Víte. stalker je v jistém smyslu poslání.
You're not the only stalker on Earth.
A potom, nejste jediný stalker na světě.
No stalker can know what those you lead bring with them and what they take from here.
Žádný stalker neví, s čím sem lidi chodí, a s čím odtud odcházejí.
A stalker must not enter the room.
Stalker nesmí vstoupit do komnaty.
A stalker must not even enter the Zone with an ulterior motive.
Stalker ani nesmí vstoupit do Zóny se zištným úmyslem!
Stalker is tough.
Stalker je těžkej.
Can you make any money playing Stalker?
Můžeš vydělat nějaký prachy ve Stalkeru?

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