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sanitka Czech

Meaning sanitka meaning

What does sanitka mean in Czech?


ambulance automobil, vybavený pro převoz pacientů a pro poskytování první pomoci

Translation sanitka translation

How do I translate sanitka from Czech into English?

Synonyms sanitka synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as sanitka?

sanitka Czech » Czech

záchranka ambulance sanita pohotovost

Inflection sanitka inflection

How do you inflect sanitka in Czech?

sanitka · noun


Examples sanitka examples

How do I use sanitka in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

A sanitka přijela?
And the ambulance came?
Přijíždí sanitka, ale je pozdě.
The ambulance is coming, but it's too late.
Ale sanitka byla vrácena od brány, - takže by nemohli pomoct.
Yet the ambulance was turned away at the gate, so they wouldn't have been able to assist.
Sanitka odjíždí.
The ambulance is going.
No, on zemřel předtím, než přijela sanitka.
Well, he died before the ambulance could reach us.
Sanitka čeká venku.
The ambulance is outside now.
Sanitka je na cestě sem.
An ambulance is on its way over.
Sanitka je důležité služby.
The ambulance is important service.
Ta sanitka přijela pro maminku?
Is the ambulance for Mommy?
Tohle pomůže, než přijede sanitka.
This will help until the ambulance comes.
Kdy přijede sanitka?
When will the ambulance be here?
Sanitka je tady.
The ambulance is here.
Sanitka je zde a poskytnou Northovi rychlou pomoc.
The ambulance is right here, and they are getting to North just as quickly as they can.
Sanitka by ji zbytečně rozrušila.

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