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ambulance Czech

Meaning ambulance meaning

What does ambulance mean in Czech?


outpatient department, casualty, emergency oddělení nemocnice či polikliniky, zajišťující ošetření akutních onemocnění a úrazů pro pacienty, kteří v nemocnici nezůstanou přes noc ambulance automobil, vybavený pro převoz pacientů a pro poskytování první pomoci

Translation ambulance translation

How do I translate ambulance from Czech into English?

ambulance Czech » English

ambulance emergency room ambulances

Synonyms ambulance synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as ambulance?

ambulance Czech » Czech

sanitka záchranka sanita pohotovost ambulatorium

Inflection ambulance inflection

How do you inflect ambulance in Czech?

ambulance · noun


Examples ambulance examples

How do I use ambulance in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

V jakém stavu byl Lenny, když ho nakládali do ambulance?
What condition was Lenny in when they put him in the ambulance?
Doktor z ambulance říkal, že zemřela utonutím.
The ambulance doctor said she died of drowning.
Mají strach z ambulance.
They are afraid.
Proč by se bály ambulance?
But why?
Je to ambulance a přesně takové s křížem používali při zplynování lidí. Zplynování na čtyřech kolech.
It's by ambulance we took for gassing people.
Řekněte jim, že jsme přátelé. Ambulance jsou tu jen proto, že je málo náklaďáků.
Tell them that we take these ambulances lack of trucks.
Kde je ta ambulance?
I must see about that ambulance.
A během dopoledne se zjevilo cosi, co vypadalo jako ambulance.
And during the morning, what appeared to be an ambulance arrived.
Jen Benjamin se obával, že to ambulance není.
Only Benjamin suspected it wasn't an ambulance.
Ambulance prijede k zadnímu východu.
The ambulance is coming down here to the lower level.
Ne Tady v Orsino, ambulance firma nemá problémy s válkou.
No. Here in Orsino, the ambulance company has no trouble with the war.
To není armáda, pouze ambulance.
It's not the army, only the ambulance.
Přisoudili mi na auto ambulance.
They assigned me to the auto ambulance.
Ambulance je již na cestě.
The ambulance is on it's way.

ambulance English

Translation ambulance in Czech

How do you say ambulance in Czech?

ambulance English » Czech

sanitka záchranka ambulance lazaret sanita

Examples ambulance in Czech examples

How do I translate ambulance into Czech?

Simple sentences

Call an ambulance.
Zavolej záchranku!
Do you need an ambulance?
Potřebuješ sanitku?
Do you need an ambulance?
Potřebujete sanitku?
I didn't call an ambulance.
Nevolal jsem sanitku.
Do you want me to call an ambulance?
Chceš, abych zavolal záchranku?

Movie subtitles

Stop the ambulance!
Zastav sanitku!
The keys to the ambulance?
Klíče k sanitce?
And you called the ambulance?
A vy jste volala sanitku?
Yet when you went to call for an ambulance, Dr Plummer came from within the house.
Ale když jste šla volat sanitku, Dr. Plummer vyšel zevnitř domu.
And the ambulance came?
A sanitka přijela?
The ambulance drivers helped you with that?
Řidič sanitky vám s tím pomohl?
Better than that. The ambulance that was called to Wadsworths' was intercepted at the gate and told that a doctor had already been and gone. What?
A ještě líp, tu sanitku, co dojela k Wadsworthům, zastavili u brány a řekli jim, že tam doktor byl a odešel.
Was the ambulance met by Janelle or Brenda? Neither.
Tu sanitku zastavila Janelle, nebo Brenda?
That makes sense given that you were talking to the ambulance officers at Wadsworths'.
To dává smysl, když jste mluvil se saniťáky u Wadsworthů.
Who asked you to talk to the ambulance?
Kdo vás požádal, abyste promluvil se saniťáky?
The ambulance is coming, but it's too late.
Přijíždí sanitka, ale je pozdě.
Janelle, I've been meaning to ask - you said that after Declan died in the garden, the ambulance paramedics helped you move his body to his cottage.
Janelle, chtěl jsem se zeptat, řekla jste, že poté, co Declan zemřel v zahradě, záchranáři ze sanitky vám ho pomohli přesunout do domku.
Yet the ambulance was turned away at the gate, so they wouldn't have been able to assist.
Ale sanitka byla vrácena od brány, - takže by nemohli pomoct.
I believe Reverend Greene was dealing with the ambulance at the gate.
Reverend Greene mluvil se záchranáři u brány.

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