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Examples operative leasing examples

How do I use operative leasing in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Za rok ti patří. Jako na leasing.
You have them by the year like a lease.
Máme ji na leasing od firmy, které jsme ji prodali.
We lease this back from the company we sold it to.
Koupil jsem to na 15-ti letý leasing.
I bought it on a 15-year loan, after all.
Jsem překvapen, že ti někdo poskytl takový leasing.
I'm surprised someone offered you that much credit.
Můj 15-ti letý leasing je fuč.
My whole 15-year loan, all gone.
Pomstím se za ten leasing!
I'll get you back for my loan!
A loner?
Zahrnuje odměny a prémie, hypotéku na nízký úrok na koupi domu, členství v klubu, a leasing na Mercedes.
It includes a bonus schedule, a low-interest mortgage so you can buy a home, country club membership, and we'll lease you a new Mercedes.
Mám ho na leasing.
On an installment plan.
Mám ho na leasing.
I lease it.
Je tvůj, nebo na leasing? - Na co sáhnu to je moje.
Everything I touch I own.
Proto jsme si ani nevzali leasing na auto.
No, the-- It's for the same reason we don't lease a car, okay?
Boxster, na leasing.
Boxster, dude.
A leasing.
We have car payments.

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