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Examples market capitalization examples

How do I use market capitalization in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Včera jsem viděla její sestry, Jane a Elizabeth, skoro běžet dolů po Market Street, ve snaze utéci před hanbou.
Only yesterday, I saw her sisters, Jane and Elizabeth, almost running down Market Street, in an attempt to escape from their disgrace.
Tady je Jerryho market.
This is Jerry's Market.
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy went to market.
Ta stanice je v Market Street, hned za rohem.
The station's in Market Street just around the corner.
Ten nákláďák přijel z Market Street?
Did this truck just come in from Market Street?
Opakuju, přijel ten nákláďák z Market Street?
I said, did this truck just come in from Market Street?
Odvezeš na Market Street?
Give me a lift to Market Street?
No, je na čase zavřít Market s Prostitutkama.
Well,it's time to shut down Hooker Mart.
Přijďte navštívit obchod v Market Street s blikající sovou ve štítě.
Come on and see at 53 Market Street at the sign of the winking owl.
Jednotka H připravena u Financial a South of Market.
Type H unit established in Financial and South ofMarket.
Financial a South of Market.
Financial and South ofMarket.
Market a 14-.
Market and 14th.
Market a 14-.
Market and 14th.
Neffovo oblíbené místo na hledání byl Jerryho market na ulici Melrose.
Neff's favourite hunting ground was Jerry's Market on Melrose.

News and current affairs

Časopis Bloomberg Market nedávno uveřejnil obsáhlý článek o neetické praxi největší smluvní výzkumné organizace, která provádí klinické zkoušky na Floridě.
Bloomberg Market magazine recently published an extensive article on the unethical practices of the largest contract research organization conducting some clinical trials in Florida.

market capitalization English

Translation market capitalization in Czech

How do you say market capitalization in Czech?

market capitalization English » Czech

tržní kapitalizace

Examples market capitalization in Czech examples

How do I translate market capitalization into Czech?

Simple sentences

The new model will be on the market in November.
Na trhu bude nový model v listopadu.
She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables.
Šla na trh koupit čerstvou zeleninu.
There's fruit and meat in this market.
V obchodě mají ovoce a maso.
Our company has just launched a new product on the market.
Naše firma právě uvedla na trh nový produkt.
They were walking through the market.
Procházeli tržištěm.
I went to the market to buy meat, rice, potatoes, pasta, wine, and orange juice for dinner.
Šla jsem na trh koupit maso, rýži, brambory, těstoviny a pomerančový džus k večeři.

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