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legát Czech

Translation legát translation

How do I translate legát from Czech into English?

legát Czech » English


Synonyms legát synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as legát?

Examples legát examples

How do I use legát in a sentence?

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Legát Parn dorazí během hodiny.
Legate Parn will arrive within the hour.
Legát, jsem poctěn.
I'm honoured.
Toto je Legát Parn. Trval na tom, že vás musí okamžitě vidět.
This is Legate Parn.
Navštívil nás legát Parn.
We did receive a visit from Legate Parn.
Legát Turrel dorazil na stanici, aby pokračoval v jednání.
Legate Turrel has arrived aboard the station to resume the negotiations.
Kai Winn ohlásila, že legát Turrel podepsal smlouvu.
Kai Winn has announced that Legate Turrel has signed the peace treaty.
Legát Krim dorazí ráno.
Legate Krim will be arriving in the morning.
Je mnohem praktičtější než legát.
So much more hands-on than Legate. Hmm?
Máme důvod se domnívat, že se na vaší stanici nachází jeden z našich občanů. Jistý Tekeny Ghenor, dříve legát cardassijského Centrálního velení.
We have reason to believe you have one of our citizens aboard your station. a certain Tekeny Ghemor formerly a Legate in the Cardassian Central Command.
Byl jsem informovám, že legát Ghemor zemřel.
I understand Legate Ghemor has passed away.
Ty jsi legát Damar.
You are Legate Damar.
To i legát Damar.
So does Legate Damar.
Legát Damar tím chce říct, že je vám k dispozici celá naše databáze.
Legate Damar means our entire database is open to you.
Legát Damar může být klíčem k záchraně kvadrantu alfa.
Legate Damar may be the key to saving the Alpha Quadrant.

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